How to hide the overlap on overlap liner?

First off do not cut it!! Now you might be able to tuck it up under the top rails. The hardest part will be how to keep it up there. Some ideas-tape but may get sticky over time, small clip of some kind (not sure if there is a good clip for this, a dot of sticky wax,

Neat idea-"bamboo grass skirt" around the whole pool wall!!! I have seen another pool that did this and it looked neat. Not sure where they got it from though

Let me know what you think of my ideas and we will go from there.
"First off do not cut it!!" Too late! I cut it when the pool was installed over 10 years ago. Dumb move I now know, but I got 10 years out of it, with minor repairs the last couple springs. But this year it needs to be replaced - pulled out on many locations. The pool wall is rusted also below the pump return at ground level, so I may just get a new pool. Moving on from that...

One third of the pool is covered by a deck and another third faces the woods where it really is not visible. The final third faces my patio and that is where I want to try to deal with the exposed overlap for aesthetic reasons.

What is the minimum amount of overlap I need to preserve (how many inches below the top of the wall?

I see that the Pool Factory sells a pool called the Preference model that has top rails with an 11" drop that would no doubt cover the exposed overlap. An unusual look... That pool is appr. $1500 - $2,000 more than other hybrid pools. Seems like a lot to pay if the only reason to buy that model is to hide the overlap. There may be other reasons for the increased price. if so, maybe that is an option.

I am not sure about the bamboo skirt idea, but am looking for some other eye pleasing ideas to hide the overlap for that one-third of the pool.
Looks like maybe I can answer my own question. It seems the consensus is that you fold the excess liner inside the pool before you wrap it over the edge. Then you wrap the folded double wrap over the edge leaving only a couple inches overlap on the outside. Probably what the poster above was referring to in the youtube video, maybe. But this process seems to make sense.
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