high pH


Apr 3, 2012
Hi, just opening my pool for Spring (NSWG). Plaster, 45000 gallons. Currently filter is cracked and waiting on a part. I can recirculate for now. I have a fairly large algae bloom. My TA is 90. CA is 250. CYA is 50. pH is reading > 8.0. Not unusual for my pH readings to be high when opening. I added MA based on the recommended amounts for pH and pool volume and still > 8.0. My question is does the algae bloom effect the pH or the inability to filter for now? Should I just forget it until my part comes in? What else would cause the pH not to come down by even a little. Thanks.
Anything over 8 is going to register pretty much the same color. Just keep dosing as if it is 8.0 to avoid overdoing it. It will eventually come down to a readable number.

This is assuming that your chlorine is zero (assumed based on you not mentioning it). If your FC level is above 10 then your pH test will read falsely high.
Your pH could easily be 9.0, but it will read at 8.0. pH is logarithmic, so the acid to get from 9 to 8 is 10X the amount to get from 8 to 7. It could take a whole bunch.

Either a) keep plugging in the numbers and dosing to reduce pH to 7.2 abd at some point, the color will change to the middle of the tester and then you can get it exact or
b) use the acid demand test if you have a K-2006. If you don't have it, don't rush out to buy the reagent. Just use PoolMath.

Something else to consider before you start dumping gallons of acid in the pool: Check CYA and CH. If either or both are high, you'll want to replace some water. Might as well do that before you start adjusting things. There's no point in treating the water if you'll be dumping it in a few days.
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Thanks for the advice. My acid demand test went from 4 drops to 2 drops so I am on the right track. My CH is 250 and CYA is 50. Filter is up and running now so I can tackle the swamp. SLAM!
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