High cya in a hot tub?


Jun 5, 2022
Marin County, CA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi folks! I’m new to maintaining my own hot tub and recently switched from “do what the pool store says” to TFP approach.

these are my test results
pH 7.5
FC 9
CC 0
CYA 80
CH 250
TA 80

400-500 gallon hot tub - 7 person strong spa.

Whats wierd is I’ve never put stabilizer in this water. I have put in “chlorine down” when I accidentally put too much chlorine in before I switched to TFP approach.

What could cause this high of CYA? Before I drain and refill, I want to understand the root cause so it doesn’t happen again…

Thank you!
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dichlor. Which after reading the excellent post below last night, is for sure the root cause.

My question to the group: whats the pros and cons of using the dichlor method proposed in this post to add stabilizer vs just doing CYA and stabilizer separately?

You can sneak up on you CYA level. Use effects of adding in pool math to see the levels of any dichlor addition. I just keep track of the cya added in poolmath so I know when to stop adding it.