Help with SLAM!


New member
Jul 24, 2022
Winfield, IL
Hi all! Thank you in advance for any help. This is my second year of pool ownership and I’ve been using the forums the entire time! I appreciate all of the knowledge within the grou.

I have been SLAMing the pool for several weeks now and just can’t seem to get to the no visible algae. I’ve passed the OCLT several times and have .5 or less of CC, but will wake up and there will be dead algae. When I took of the lights to check behind them, I noticed a LOT of dead algae and what looks like a red growth. I’m not sure if that is rust/bacteria/algae, all I know is that it keeps coming back. I’m in the pool everyday scrubbing the ladder, skimmers, lights, vacuuming and brushing walls.

About a week ago, I reached all three criteria. But within a few days, the FC dropped to about 8 and there was a ton of dead algae - so I have restarted the SLAM (I was concerned I didn’t complete even though I passed the test) and have been going at it again for several days. What am I missing? I’m loosing my mind on this one!

FC: 26
pH: 7.9
TA: 90
CH: 150
CYA: 60
The only things that I could see as potential algae issues would be the skimmer weir door (behind it), the drain covers, and perhaps that cover. All the warm moisture gathers under the cover and can really hold a bunch of mold & mildew. Over time, organic growth can occur under the drain covers as well.
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