Help with balancing pool plaster startup

Hi again
I posted a few days ago as we just started up the pool after getting it plastered last Monday. Per the plaster guy, he told us to start the pump and run it 24 hours a day. We also were told to add acid which we have been doing, keeping it below the recommended numbers.

We are brushing the pool 3 or 4 times a day and slowly it seems like the dust is going. The pressure on my DE filter has not changed so I don't know if the filter is filtering the dust or not.

We had a huge storm last night and so I checked the levels today. PH is perfect still but chlorine is low under 1ppm.

From the stuff I read, I can't tell if I should be worrying about the chlorine now or just keeping my focus on the acid and getting rid of the dust. It looks like I shouldn't add chlorine until the dust is gone.

Since it appears we did a combination of an acid startup and a traditional startup, I am unclear.

Thanks for any help.

Anne, you do want chlorine to avoid an algae bloom (cloudiness and/or green). Was any stabilizer/conditioner added? That will be key so that you know how much chlorine (aka regular bleach) to add per the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. Whatever your CYA is, keep the FC at the corresponding recommended range, and try not to let it fall below the minimum.
Anne, you do want chlorine to avoid an algae bloom (cloudiness and/or green). Was any stabilizer/conditioner added? That will be key so that you know how much chlorine (aka regular bleach) to add per the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. Whatever your CYA is, keep the FC at the corresponding recommended range, and try not to let it fall below the minimum.

Hi and thanks for your reply. No stabilizer or conditioner was added (did not see that under the instructions for traditional or acid startup) yet. Those instructions did mention not adding chlorine until the dust was gone and its not. Plaster is still less than a week old.
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