Help plumbing Circulation issue on new pool

I had a new pool installed last summer and I am having some issues with the pool circulation.
The plumbing was mixed up by the pool builder and now my return water flow is really imbalanced.
I have 1 line that goes to the stairs - splits to to jets and 1 line going to deep end also 2 jets.
When my 1 speed pump is on low I get no water on the jets at my stairs.
I was wondering if adding a Jandy 3 way valve can be used to balance the water .
The drawing I have attached should help.
Any advice would be appreciated.

PS where is a good place to buy schedule 40 PVC fittings in Southern Ontario, Kitchener?


  • 2018-03-17 11_14_29-Pool Plumbing Problem - Excel.jpg
    2018-03-17 11_14_29-Pool Plumbing Problem - Excel.jpg
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If you are getting flow on high speed, you are probably getting some flow on low speed as well. It just may not be very much. Is there a specific reason you need more flow rate to the stairs on low speed?

A valve at the tee would allow for control to each line. You can also reduce the size of the eyeballs in the deep end to force more water to the stairs.
Mas 985
Thanks for the advice. Never thought about changing the eyeballs
As for the flow my pump is on low speed 90% of the time and my wife likes to sit on the stairs and feels the jets.

The 90 degree fittings are about 2" from the concrete . I was a bit concerned about that as well. I am looking at other alternatives thanks .
As for the flow my pump is on low speed 90% of the time and my wife likes to sit on the stairs and feels the jets.
Then you may need to redirect all the flow to the jets. Low speed is not going to be all that forceful. Why not just run on higher speeds when she is in the water.
If the above does not work I would consider installing a valve on the far right return pipe and choke it down. Your plumbing is very poorly designed for work to be done, don't fret they all do that, and the return getting the most flow looks like it's long and very exposed to work.

Good luck installing that 3 way with repluming the entire return side.
That’s a classic “T” piping mistake.

“T” should be placed so the short socket of the fitting is fed first. Then both return branches are supplied by the longer portion of the “T”

The existing return risers can be reconfigured, without slab demo, by a competent technician.
I guesstimate an hour of work.
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