Help Please: Algae or Pollen or What?


Bronze Supporter
LifeTime Supporter
Apr 10, 2009
Hi Guys,
First here are today's numbers:
FC: 8
Cc: 0
CH: 180 (have heater and swg)
TA: 120 (it had been 80 all summer)
CYA: 60 (had been at 70, I read 60, spouse read 70)

We pass the OCLT, and we're not losing FC. We may have gone below our FC minimum when we first opened in early June but since then we haven't gone below minimum and usually keep it at the high end of target (70 CYA with 7 FC). However, my husband said when we opened, he noticed stuff coming out of the lines that look like it could be algae but then it went away

We have this greenish spots all over the floor, but not on the walls. It is not slippery feeling. When we brush, it poofs like algae and then will cloud the water. We can get rid of it by brushing and vacuuming. We then have to run the filter longer than normal and then it goes away, only to return in a few days. We've checked the sand in the filter and it's fine.

We live in a very wooded area, and we have an old maple tree that has greenish moss all over it. However, in the past when it rains or sheds this moss, we've had no problem filtering it out.

Reading this: "Pollen can look very much like mustard algae, but it will only settle on the bottom of the pool, not the walls, and appears everywhere, not just on the shaded side." it sounds like what we're experiencing.

It's driving me nuts. Never had this situation before. I am posting some pics where hopefully you can see it. I just want to know if I should go ahead and slam it since that's the only thing we haven't done so far.

Pool algae3.jpg

Pool algae2.jpg
Update: Before I could do an OCLT, my husband had brought the pool up to slam level (28 based on 70 CYA). That was mid-day and by early evening, the CL had dropped 7 ppm. We did an OCLT and it dropped 1.5 ppm. Pool was still cloudy so we contined slamming. We brought it up to slam level again and we've been brushing and slamming.

This is the oddest algae I've ever seen. Not slippery and on floor only, and previous OCLT's only showing a 1 ppm loss. But slamming is the only thing we hadn't tried. Hopefully it won't come back.

Anyway, thanks again, your help is very much appreciated. Here's a pic of before and after as of this morning. What a difference! Pool is so crystal clear now.

Pool algae3.jpg
Pool clear-1.jpg
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