Help Bottom Rail Twisted, wall is falling


Aug 13, 2012
New Jersey
Hi everyone! Looking for a bit of advice this is a doughboy 20 or 21' above ground pool that's been installed for approximately 5 years. This one upright has always had a slight issue since like the second year or so but noticed this year it appears to have gotten worse. As you can see the bottom rail looks like it's twisted inward and either the upright went up or the wall is sliding downwards. The pool is about half full and still have it covered due to the cooler weather so far this year. Any advice on where to start,. I'm imagining I have to get to the foot plate and bottom rail. Thank you!
I HATE to say this REALLY need to remove most of the water. I sure hope not all of it but...... enough that you can get the wall up and the rail turned so the wall can sit back in it.

Before hand you should clean the area around where you will be working so you can move fast. Can you have some friends, strong, will follow directions friends, to help? They will be on the inside and outside of the pool and pressing their hands on either side of the wall to "lift" it up so you can turn the rail and work it back under the wall.

I wish you luck!
Thank you! That's what I was figuring I was going to have to empty it :( Thankfully it's only about half full after the winter. I'm just wondering if that rail is going to be shot I know my pics aren't the greatest but they both look like they might have Twisted slightly on both sides of the upright. I have a vise and many clamps can they be straightened or I should just replace it. I get now what you're saying by pressing with their hands... say halfway up the wall on the inside and outside, lift and have someone rotate the rail and drop in the bottom edge of the wall.
What are your rails made of? You can always use a hair dryer on them to "help" them want to go back where and how they need to.

I am glad you got what I was saying about the hands and wall.You might need to take the top coping off on either side of the up right you are working by.

Think it through and plan it out ahead of time with everyone. Use gentle but strong movements with lots of watching and thinking.

Good luck and let us know what ends up happening and how it works out!

Your pool wall came out of the track. You're going to have to drain the pool to fix it.
Thank you again guys! Going to try this out on Saturday. I'm assuming they have to be stainless or they would have to be pretty rusted by now. I'll def be pulling off the top cap of the upright and prob both top rail pieces. Fingers crossed :)
The rails could be resin. That is what mine are made of. Your top rails should be the same stuff so that will give you an idea what you area working with.

Have some :cheers: ready for when you and the friends are DONE!

Thanks again guys! We're getting there :) Yea the tops are def resin. The lower wall rail I guess is aluminum or stainless. I prob got another hour or two left of draining this was no joke how long it's taking lol. My $35 Amazon pump I bought just for the cover paid for itself and then some this weekend! Cheers guys!

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Well I figured out there issue but have a new one lol. The bottom resin cuffs have the uprights that just snap down into place. Well I can't release the cuff to get the upright out all I'm doing is trying to pull the cuff and bottom plate up with it. Google hasn't been too good gonna try a search here!
The bottom should be just like the top. Look close at the top one. Practice the best way to take the top cuff off until you find what will work for the bottom. Of course it is going to be harder with the lean and the twist. You might have to do some digging using great care to not go under the pool wall rail.

I wish I were there to help you puzzle it out :(

The bottom should be just like the top. Look close at the top one. Practice the best way to take the top cuff off until you find what will work for the bottom. Of course it is going to be harder with the lean and the twist. You might have to do some digging using great care to not go under the pool wall rail.

I wish I were there to help you puzzle it out :(

It's wierd cause the top one used hardware but the bottom one according to the manual and everything I can find online says it just snaps in by pushing down. There's no way to get inside the upright to depress the clips. I think I'll be calling the place I bought it in the morning :)
Okay lets really look at this.............How long ago did this happen?

It almost looks like the wall is sitting on the "side" of the rail so not on the dirt............hummmmmmmm

Lets talk about the dent. I worry that "undenting" it will cause more damage. You know how you can bend metal back and forth and break it? I do NOT want that to happen to your wall. Just keep that in mind while you work on this.


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