Hello from Houston....

Aug 15, 2016
Cypress Texas
Though I have not formally agreed with the wife to put a new pool in, it was completed and turned on mid September. First pool to install or have to maintain. 13000 Chlorine gallons, 6 ft-->3ft with a 6" bathing shelf at one end and a nice semicircle bench at the other end. No heat, no hot tub, about 5 spots to install umbrellas. Materials used were plaster with some sort of blue/black quartz granules. The rim of the pool and a small back water fall are flag stone. There are 4 sprayers in the tile that we will use to cool the pool at night during the summer. Hayward 5030 filter, 1.5 HP variable pump, water feature pump, and booster pump. Rainbow 320 chlorinator and cheapy Polaris cleaner...and yes I have a Taylor K-2006 test kit.

Struggling already with chemicals as apparently I'm going to be the pool boy. My plan was to run through one box of Costco Chlorox tablets and then convert to liquid Chlorine later and become an official TFP member. PH expected to run high for the first bit (6months/year) with the maturing plaster, have been bouncing between 7.5 and 8+ using muriatic acid. FC was non existent at first at all settings on the chlorinator, tablets barely dissolving. Pool guy came back out and rerouted the hose leading into it (from bottom bung to top), said that they have problems with the variable pumps sometimes. I can blow through tablets and get into 6/7/8 PPM FC in no time now if I don't watch it, I have been trying to dial in a bit. Well my CYA is already at 100 after running the pool for about 6 weeks, I think I've consumed maybe 15 tablets total. I guess this blows my mind that I'm already in the TFP danger zone, but not sure exactly what the pool company put in at start up conditioner wise. Maybe these Chlorox tabs are higher in CYA?

Well the pool is closed for humans now but I do have a dog that jumps in a bit and the bald cypress around the pool will start dropping leaves heavily into the pool shortly. I have been torn on whether to drain pool now to get CYA down and convert to liquid Chlorine but I think I will wait to do both in the spring. I already have some bags of Leslie's shock, which they promise has no CYA, and I should throw in about a pound every week or two and turn off the chorinator. Let me know if there is any reason I should execute the drain and replace now. Also the guy at Leslie's suggested that folks running liquid Chlorine will also have to deal with a build up of TDS and replace water, which I hadn't heard, I will read up in the forum on that topic.

And by the way, someone is enjoying that bathing shelf a little bit more than the humans......

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Welcome to TFP!

Nice dog! Leslie's shock with no CYA is most likely cal-hypo which adds CH to your pool instead of CYA. I wouldn't worry about TDS, it isn't really meaningful. Although the guy at Leslie's telling you that liquid will contribute to TDS is selling you cal-hypo that will contribute even more to TDS than the liquid. LOL!

More here on various chlorine, Pool School - How to Chlorinate Your Pool

I wouldn't bother with draining now to lower CYA. It will drop 2-3ppm per month or maybe even a little more over winter if you get some rain. See where you are in the spring when it starts to heat up.
Welcome to TFP!! Smart move on the sprayers - wish I had known to do that (didn't find TFP before pool install), so I use ones that plug into returns. When you have time, add your pool details to your signature.

Love the pup in the water. My lab mix has to be carried into the pool to swim. He comes to the edge and looks like he's ready to jump, but won't on his own. Getting him a little sister soon, which we will teach to enjoy the water from the start so hopefully she will change his mind.

Agree with pooldv, don't worry about the cyn now. Reevaluate in spring.