Hayward Super Pump, need motor bearings, funky motor brand


Bronze Supporter
May 8, 2017
Elizabethton TN
I have been all over my phone searching for info on a Dynatech pump connected to my Hayward Superpump I believe. Model and serial is gone from pump plate but pictures match it up to a SuperPump. I ordered a seal kit for it, it seems to have a pretty decent leak going on.

Before I dig into the pump to replace the seals and gaskets, should I attempt to locate bearings too? There is no discernible indication the bearings are failing or that they are any noisier than last year. It took some time to get a new sand filter after opening to a cracked one and the Slam took awhile but is almost over so I hate to have to take pump down twice. I have attached a pic or 2 of the pump, my guess would be it is a cheap replacement motor of the Hayward motor but I am still new to the pool equipment and pool world in general.

Thank you for any assistance on this endeavour I am about to undertake. :)

If the bearings are not making noises, I would not change them. Unfortunately, I stripped my whole pump down to the bone and could not get to the front bearing as the corrosion was so bad that the retainer screw would not come out. In addition, the 4 long screws gave me some trouble (as 2 of them snapped). The removal of the parts is very easy if everything goes smoothly. Everything happened about 2 weeks ago. I opted for a new pump, housing and everything else.

It is apparent if the bearings are going or gone as the noise is way different than just the motor spinning. The hardest part is replacement of the bearings, while the gaskets and seal is very easy. There are videos on You Tube from INYO pools which are excellent.

How To: Replace the Bearings in a Pool Pump Motor - Part I - YouTube

How To: Replace the Bearings in a Pool Pump Motor - Part 2 - YouTube
Thank you for the reply. I'll let the bearings be for the time being then. I'll just replace the seal and gaskets and see how that does. If I have problems down the road I'll dig back into it. Not much mechanical intimidates me so it will all be fine.

Thank you


Luck is on your side. Not only did I not have a leak last season, but the pump was quiet. Go to start up the pump this season and nothing. $38 later for 2 capacitors and the pump was up and running. Although, the front bearing was screaming. I did keep the new capacitors. What strikes me strange is that the seal and gasket appear to be not worn, but the corrosion was all over the motor, and other parts as I took it apart. The bolts were loose (not tight at all).

At this point, I am still debating on whether the pump comes inside for the winter. Thanks!
I think next year my pump and motor along with sand filter spider valve???? Will come in next year. I started up this year to find pump was fine aside from seal leak but had a crack in my sand filter body even with drain plug from sand filter left removed all year. The guy that replaced sand filter said that was risky, he had had customers who had critters chew the threads of the plastic drain off. Guess they like to eat plastic like squirrels will eat wire insulation if they get in attics. I'll leave my drain off this year and cover it solidly with something.

That's weird about your pump. Tomorrow I'll dig into mine and replace that seal. I hate electrical stuff and see in the instructions I have to discharge the motor capacitor to get my wrench on the shaft. Don't like having to do that. I can cut breaker and unwire with the best of them, hate running out capacitor. :( Hope seal solves my leak and it isnt pump basket or bad impeller seal groove.

I keep looking at the porcelain seal and gasket and see no issues, but then again the corrosion was behind it. There must have been the slightest imperfection and this is why every few years I will swap out the gaskets/seals. These pumps should really be built a little better. I have B&G pumps for hot water in the basement. Gong on 18 years without a hitch. The first 10 years, they were not even oiled as I did not know. Made in America vs. made in other countries. Although, Hayward will claim they are made here. (doubt it)
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