Hayward Omnilogic - operating ~25% speed


New member
May 22, 2024
We closed our pool/spa last year fully operational, but this year we're having some major issues... ultimately the main issue is the water isn't being pumped adequately. There's minimal suctions from the skimmers coming back into the filter, and minimal water being pumped into the pool via the returns (I can only tell visibly that 1 return is working). There sounds like there's some air in the filter that we can't get rid of... we've cleaned things out thoroughly. Operating at 25% normal speed, at best.

Company that opened our pool can't figure it out, and it's going to be a while until another company can come out. Until then, we'd like to keep trying to find the solution on our own. When I turn on the pool filter, I get the "No Water Flow FlowSensor" error, though I think we got that last year occasionally when the pool was working just fine. Any ideas? Thank you so much.
Welcome to TFP.

Let's start with more information.

Please create your signature with details of your pool and equipment including model names and numbers.

Post pics of your equipment pad and let us see what you are working with.

Is your equipment pad above or below the waterline?

What type of pool is this?