Have I messed up

I have been keeping the FC at 20+ for a week today and have seen a little improvement but still really green.
readings this evening
am I on the right track or is there anything else I need to do or try? My son is being deployed and we were hoping the pool would be ready by next weekend for a get together to honor him.
I have put about 26 gallons of 10% chlorine so far so any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Johnny B.
Hey JB! :wave: Just checking in. Looking back at that last pic from the 9th, woo, that was still pretty green. Your test numbers look very good, so that leaves us with the following thoughts:
- Chlorine kills algae, but it has to be proportionate with the correct CYA which you appear to be doing. So the only other "unknown" is what might be in the water (solids). Chlorine will break down algae spores and such, but larger material will take weeks or months. So it is extremely important ensure there is nothing tucked away in some spot down under. Main drains, steps, ladders, large light niches, etc are havens for algae.
- Water circulation is critical as well which is why the pump is on 24/7. But check to ensure the water "pull" at the skimmer and returns jets are all flowing well.
- I think I asked this much earlier in the thread, but I don't want to lose my place while typing …. but if you are on a well, that can impact the color hues, but should eventually clear, even if it has a pretty green or tea color.
- As best as we try from our computers, we're not there so sometimes something impacts the SLAM we just don't know about. In some cases, a healthy water exchange is required because of previous chemicals added or simply to help the owner see lower into the pool and discovering something hidden (growing). Earlier this season an owner decided to drain only to find a deer carcass in the pool. The SLAM would not have been able to overcome that one.
- If you are confident about the CYA at 50, then an FC of 20 is good. More won't help. If you find the CYA to be closer to 60, then you can increase the FC to 24. Other than that, it's a lot of brushing, vacuuming, backwashing, and time.

We'll be watching to assist as we can.
Hi, JB. I’m going to echo a few thoughts already expressed - mainly to be sure of your CYA, to brush daily and make sure you don’t have debris in there, and lastly - since you are trying to clear by a deadline, set an alarm, day and night, to check FC and boost it to your SLAM level every couple of hours. You started with a very murky swamp, so it takes time, but staying on top of it just might get you clear by then.
Thanks Texas and Kelly let me start by saying thank you. I have run pete (the Polaris) for about 5 days I dipped everything out so that when I try to rake the bottom I get Nada. Now explain this to me I have been at 20ppm+ for 1 week today and what do I see this evening in my pool? A turtle popping his head up. Now to tell off on myself( and what could be some of the problem)
In a brain poot I have been thinking that by running Pete I was vacuuming the pool, aint that a hoot. I have been sweeping but not vacuuming SMH I also was talking to my wife and giving her an update when much to my suprise I found out my pool is 18x36 not 16x36. Now I will actually start vacuuming to waste to get rid of all the algae. My next chore is coraling that stupid turtle. After reading another post I realize this is a marathon not a sprint. Tomorrow is another day Good Lord willing. Thanks Johnny B.
PS I am on city water
When I put my stabilizer in at the start of the SLAM I put it directly in the skimmer and tried to balance the CYA and chlorine. Now I know how to properly add the stabilizer with the sock method. Long story short after a week of pump running 24-7 my CYA is through the roof at 70 ppm. Here is my question how long after a 1/3 partial fill do I need to check CYA and chlorine? I drained the pool yesterday and refilled it all night to the correct level. We started the pump back up at around 5:45 am this morning. Thanks for all the help Johnny B.

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