Getting ready to buy a new pool. Please double check I'm not missing anything


Bronze Supporter
Jul 12, 2013
Long Island, NY
I will be purchasing the 15 foot saltwater 5000 resin pool from the Pool Factory in a few days as it's currently on sale. Here is what I am getting. And my questions. Please help, I never had a permanent pool, just intex. I will be having a professional installer come.

- Unibead liner. Guy said they hook like J-hooks on top of the wall. Do I buy J-Hooks?? Wife doesn't want overlap because I think you see the liner
overlapping the pool and she wants a 'cleaner' look. But I think overlap is easier?
- Pool cove
- Pool wall foam
- Armor Shield Floor Pad
- 1.5 yards of mason sand.
- 2x8x16 paver blocks for the legs
- 3/4 HP pump and 50 sq cartridge filter connected as one unit from Doheny's
- Slice valves so I can change the cartridge or clean it
- Already have a ladder
- Should I get winterizing plugs and a winterizing skimmer cover??? or just drain below the returns like I did on my intex???
- Will my intex salt water generator connect to the pump? I think it will since it comes with 1.5" hoses but not positive???

Thanks guys. Anything else I'm missing?
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