Frisco, TX Start Up complete 10/26/16 *updated with pics*

Re: New Frisco, TX Pool Build 10/24/16 Pool Filled awaiting start up

Beautiful pool! Love the contrasting blue tile with the lighter stonework.

My kids went for a 20 minute swim Sunday evening. The water was 69 degrees. That's too hard core for me! I'm going to fire up the heater for Thanksgiving and Christmas weeks this year since it will be our first year with a pool.

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That's my plan too. How can I be expected to look at my pool until May without getting in??? I'm in Frisco. We have the same heater, but my pool is half the size of yours. Can't wait to see what it costs to heat mine. I've read that a solar blanket will do wonders towards keeping your pool warm. I am planning on getting one so I can heat the pool on a Friday and keep it at temp through Sunday. Might be wishful thinking but from what I've read it might be plausible to do without breaking the bank.
Re: New Frisco, TX Pool Build 10/24/16 Pool Filled awaiting start up

That's my plan too. How can I be expected to look at my pool until May without getting in??? I'm in Frisco. We have the same heater, but my pool is half the size of yours. Can't wait to see what it costs to heat mine. I've read that a solar blanket will do wonders towards keeping your pool warm. I am planning on getting one so I can heat the pool on a Friday and keep it at temp through Sunday. Might be wishful thinking but from what I've read it might be plausible to do without breaking the bank.

Please post the results when you give it a try. I'd be very interested in the results!

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Re: Frisco, TX Start Up complete 10/25/16 *updated with pics*

So, start up is complete, chemicals are in. PB will maintain for 60 days and get SWG going. Almost instantly it became more clear. We're very happy with it, should have Sod and sprinklers done shortly. Love the Lightstreams Tile , so happy we decided to bite the bullet and go with it. The guys at Lightstreams were great to work with!

Pics up shortly, photobucket is down.....
Re: Frisco, TX Start Up complete 10/25/16 *updated with pics*

So, start up is complete, chemicals are in. PB will maintain for 60 days and get SWG going. Almost instantly it became more clear. We're very happy with it, should have Sod and sprinklers done shortly. Love the Lightstreams Tile , so happy we decided to bite the bullet and go with it. The guys at Lightstreams were great to work with!

Pics up shortly, photobucket is down.....

Looks AWESOME. I like all the patio furniture as well. Yeah, I would have jumped in myself, butttt it was 74 degrees in my pool.

Also, if they are going to manage for 60 days, that would lead us into January 1st. I presume it will be below 60 degrees so the SWCG won't work. Just need to get stabilizer at a good level, keep liquid chlorine and muratic acid on hand. Easy peasy.

Congrats! Just wait till you can fire up that spa!

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Wait, pebblesheen is acid washed before filling you don't need to brush daily. A couple of times a week the first week or two is plenty.

Despite being acid washed our PB told us the more we brushed it the first two weeks the smoother it would become ensuring no deposits harden or are left behind. I had no information to argue, we did twice a day and all I can say is I love the way it turned out.
Re: Frisco, TX Start Up complete 10/25/16 *updated with pics*

Brian, your pool looks amazing. great work! What depth did you go on the shelf and how are you powering the bubblers (pool pump or standalone water feature pump)? Is this the max height you can get from them, or is this a low setting that can be adjusted? I have had some concerns about the effectiveness of our bubblers on our shelf when we get done (im trying to get to 8-9" water depth on our shelf). I would like to get a little more height than what is shown in your pictures, so I would love a reference point. Thanks!

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