free chlorine test


Jan 4, 2018
Altamont Il
I was wondering if too much dpd powder can give a false high chlorine reading like using 3 scoops instead of 2. Also does adding salt lets say from 3100 to 3200, let the generator produce more chlorine in a given amount of time? Ive noticed a upswing in free chlorine recently but the weather has cooled some and may be the reason.
Too much does not matter other than being a waist of powder.

I have not seen a post where someone preformed a test to see if more salt will produce more FC. I think I can safely say even if there is an increase with in the recommended range of a cell a 100 ppm increase would be statistically insignificant. I do know you should stay in the range for your SWG a little over will not matter but if you get too high most cells will shut down to protect it self. If your cell has a max level of 3000 and you over shoot to 3500 I would not freak out anything above that I would think about diluting a bit.

lower temp will reduce FC demand for sure.

I also saw a thread long ago where someone did some testing of cell production at different temps, everyone knows too low temps reduce production but what I read is high temps can as well. Is the cell is less efficient at high temps or are you just getting more off gassing who knows?
Ahh that brings on the light bulb. Pool temps have been very high reaching upper 80's during the day. The recent cool off has brought pool temps down to low 80's. the run up of fc coincides with the temperature break, the salt being added was a coincidence. Thanks for the response attech-2.
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