First Year Pool Owner

Jul 31, 2018
Oklahoma City
Hey all,

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone that frequently posts on this site, whether you're new like me or one of the more seasoned folks. I finished building my pool in October and it got cold just in time for me to not get in it (for more than 5 seconds anyway) until April. I lurked around on this site for a while soaking up whatever info I could find and I have to say that opening the pool up this spring was a breeze. I had questions about all sorts of things and everytime I would search on here I'd find an answer or 100 on the topic and after reading through them for a while had a good plan and direction on what to do. I have a salt water generator and am on well water so the only chemicals I've had to add are muratic acid, stabilizer, and my initial dose of salt. I finally got my pump times and generator times down and am holding the FC steady between 6.0-8.0 for 2 weeks straight now.

Next challenge is to fine tune the dumb Polaris 280 to stay running flat and not jumping up and down off the bottom and see what the next critters I get in the pool will be. So far, 1 opossum, 2 snakes, some turtles, and 100s of frogs.

Again, just wanted to say thanks to all the posters on here whether you're a complete amateur or been around a while. Your discussions have been invaluable.

Welcome, B! As you can see from my signature, I have an ABG pool. I thought I was safe from varmints, then I read on the forum about a lady with an ABG and FROGS. Frogs that can leap into a 48" ABG. Freaked me right the **** out!

So you can keep your in ground with the possums, snakes and turtles. Argh!