First Time SLAM

Aug 29, 2017
Van buren, AR
Saturday I started SLAM'ing my pool for the first time. It was getting very green.

First thing I did was get my PH in order and it was at 7.2
Second thing I did was get my CYA up to 30.
Next thing I did was follow this chart Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart for non-swcg pool and determine my slam level was 12.

I have been testing and using the pool math calculator to keep my FC up to 12ppm using 10% bleach. Saturday I added bleach 3 times and Sunday I added bleach 4 or 5 times. Brush two or 3 times a day.

Last night I could see the brush head in the shallow end a little bit. During the day when I am home I have been filtering, but at night and today at work I have been running on recirculate.

am I slamming correctly?
Sounds like you are on the correct path. The first few days of multiple test times and maintaining FC levels are critical as the consumption is much higher. Take a picture of your stairs daily so you can see your progress. It can take several days depending on your diligence to maintaining SLAM FC level and how much algae you have to start.

Why are you not filtering 24x7?
That makes me feel better.

I haven't been filtering at night/today at because I was concerned my pressure would rise to high.

As a side note my FC loss was from 12 to 10.8 last night. Today on my lunch break I am going to vacuum the deep end. Ran out of time yesterday because of Honey do's.
I am afraid to run on filter while I am not home.
In that case, put your multiport valve on recirculate. It's not ideal, but it's better than nothing and it still allows the bleach to keep mixing across the pool and plumbing. Backwash when you get home or when your PSI has increased by 20-25% from it's normal clean reading. :)
There must be an end in sight!
At lunch today I went home and vacuumed the deep end because I know I have debris down there. The hard part is I can't see anything. so I just tried to cover the entire area the best I could. I got a good amount in the leaf canister out.

My FC was 10.8. It called for 2 quarts so I added 1 gallon to cover the gap with me being at work. I figured a little high won't hurt.

Any recommendation on going to a higher FC like 14 or 16?
Typically going higher than the indicated SLAM level for your CYA results in a lot of loss to the sun since there is so much "extra" unbuffered chlorine. You can certainly do this, but you'll waste chlorine to the sun.
There must be an end in sight!

My FC was 10.8. It called for 2 quarts so I added 1 gallon to cover the gap with me being at work. I figured a little high won't hurt. Any recommendation on going to a higher FC like 14 or 16?

A generous amount of patience is needed here. It didn't go green overnight and it won't go clear overnight. You've only been at it for 2 days. You should have the green gone. Each day it should get clearer than the day before. The suggested picture will help reassure you that it is clearing.

Going to 14-16 should be fine in the morning just before work and evening just before bed to hold you over the long hours to the next dose. Just don't go significantly higher as it will just be wasted chlorine.

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Last night when I got home I vacuumed the pool and got more debris out of the deep end. I then spent awhile brushing the pool really good. This time when I did the deep end I didn't see anything rise to the surface like I have before. So maybe I have gotten all the leaves and WORMS out of the pool.

My FC was holding right at 12 this morning when I tested. I raised it to a 13 to last until I got home for lunch and since it is suppose to be very cloudy with spotty showers today I figured it wouldn't hurt. Below is a picture sorry not very bright it was early and cloudy today.

Also, I ran on filter mode all night last night and got up twice to check the pressure. I was held around 11 psi all night which is normal. This morning it was around 12 psi. I went ahead and back washed for 1 minuet. I left it on filter today and should be able to check on it around 11:00 - 11:30 today.

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This time when I did the deep end I didn't see anything rise to the surface like I have before. So maybe I have gotten all the leaves and WORMS out of the pool.
That is a BIG deal. Now the bleach can focus on the suspended materials in the water and no battle products decomposing. Now is where you continue to maintain and begin to take the upper-hand in the battle against algae. Stick with it!
I don't want to get off topic but I wish I would have purchase a variable speed pump when I bought my kit. I didn't know about TFP at my time of purchase and don't feel I was as "educated" as I am now.

My wife sees me dumping bleach into the pool. Obsessively testing, cleaning/vacuuming and the pump running 24X7 and she see's $$$$ going out the door. I went to our local leslies pool store just for a visit to see how it would go. She didn't know I had been on this site reading. They wanted a water sample to see if I had any phosphates in my water. Then she tried to sell me a $220 dollar starter package that had my daily maintenance etc...but that didn't include the shock to get the pool going which was another $50 or $60.
As of right now I am $40.00 deep for CYA from home depot. And $40.00 for 10% bleach (chlorine from pool isle).

I feel I have done my home work and this is the right way to go. I have little kids and I don't want them swimming in who knows what for chemicals.
What about the cost to run my pump for 24 hours. I have a hayward 2 HP super pump? I am afraid I might have an $800 electric bill.
Is that a 2-speed? If so, just keep it on low unless you are vacuuming. Low speed is very efficient and cheap. Mine is on low all the time.
Once it's cleaned up, warm and she's comfortable in a floater with a drink in her hand it's time to tell her "this" is why I worked so hard getting it right and it's still cheaper than the pool store. ;)

Just be patient, keep the pump running and you'll be swimming soon.
After you are swimming in your crystal clear pool, you might want to look into just changing the motor for a VS or 2 speed. Dont know much about motors but someone else will chime in. Keep on top of things just as your are doing.


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