First time pool owner trying to correctly balance pool

Jul 14, 2018
Mansura, Louisiana
FC - 1.6 ppm
CC - 0.6 (Should I slam by adding 54 ounces of liquid chlorine?)
pH - 8.0 (I calculated a need for 2 quarts of muriatic acid to correct)??
TA - 310 (I calculated a need for 3 gals of muriatic acid to correct)??
CYA - 70 - 80 (my eyes were playing tricks on me so I wasn't exactly sure when I was no longer seeing the black dot; I had it at waist level with the sun to my back as recommended)

Hi! First-time Louisiana pool owner here and I am trying to get my pool safe for the family to enjoy. It has been up for over a month and they have only swam twice because I wasn't sure if it was safe. I just vacuumed the pool of all debris today and there are boatmen bugs having the time of their life in the pool and I can't catch them with the net (no more than 20 of them total I'd guess). The water stays clear and I do not see any algae. I know there may still be some visible that is not visible to the naked eye. I have a SWG and I run it 24/7 on filter mode when the SWG is not on.

1. I do not know what to correct first.

2. If I correct the TA with that much Muriatic Acid, wouldn't it wipe out my pH?

3. Should I just correct the ph and FC and then slam it?

Please help! I am clueless regarding pools. I want the pool safe to swim in chemically and I want those bugs gone. Hopefully correcting the chemistry will take care of it.

Welcome to the forum.. Do NOT add 3 gallons of muriatic acid to correct TA. Only add enough to lower your ph to 7.2. When ph rises again...repeat the process.
Each time of lowering ph will help lower your TA. Your FC is needing to be increased to 4 with bleach to help the SWG keep pace. See if additional chlorine and a sunny day will burn off that "extra" o.1 of CC. It's pretty insignificant as .05 is acceptable.
How long are you running your pump and swcg?

Use thr liquid chlorine to get to get back to 5. Tonight after the sun goes down test the water for chlorine. Repeat in the morning before the sun is up. This is the overnight chlorine loss test. Make sure the pump and swcg don’t run tonight.

Chlorine loss should be minimal. If you pass no need to slam. If you have a larger loss (1ppm or more) do a slam.

If you pass use the swcg calculator in my signature to figure out how long you should run and what percentage you need to keep a FC of 5. (Most pools loose between 2-4 ppm of chlorine a day)

Also how did you get .6. Or is just a typo?
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