First time opening - CYA and SLAM question

I think we have had a breakthrough. Started the 10 minute thing at 12:22. FC was 1. Added the 276 oz according to pool calulator. 12:32 FC was 15. Didn't add anything. 12:42 FC still 15 and CC was 0.5. Still the same thing at 12:52. Are we ready to slam? Do I need to check other chemistry before slam? Thanks
Yes, now that you seem to be holding FC by checking frequently, you want the pH at about 7.2, CYA at about 30, then maintain the FC at about 12. The key is certainly doing everything you can to keep the FC at 12. Good luck and have a nice day.
Wanted to let you know what is going on now. I am so excited. My pool is very clear. This is the best it has looked this soon after opening for the season. Readings at 2:10pm were FC 13, CC 0.5, pH 6.8, and CYA 30. Put in Borax and Baking Soda according to pool calculator to increase pH and TA. Retested at 7pm. FC 8, CC 0.5, pH 7.5, TA 100 and CYA 30. Plan to do reading 1st thing in the morning and continue with slam. Am I on the right track? I put in bleach according to calculator and brought FC up to 12 ten minutes after 7pm reading.Thanks
That's great to hear. Nice work. :goodjob: From this point forward, now that you've increased pH a little, don't worry about testing anything other than just FC. That's the key to success. There's no need to test the other items until after the SLAM, and by that I mean passing all 3 SLAM criteria. You've made a great breakthrough today. So now it's time to just maintain the FC of 12 and try to be consistent. If you leave for work or something, just bump it back up when you get home. Remember to brush the pool as much as you can to help get the algae off the surfaces and into the filter. Have a nice evening.
Morning update. I added bleach according to calulator yesterday morning. FC dropped to 5 by afternoon. Added more bleach according to calulator and it jumped the FC up to 18. Not sure why it went so high Retested last night. FC was 17. Retested this morning. FC 15.5. Pool is clear, but I still see small amounts of dead algae in bottom before I vacuum. I will continue slam today keeping above 12 and vacuuming and brushing. I think it will pass tomorrow morning. When it does pass, I may have questions about best time of day for daily testing and maintenance.
Sounds good. FC jumping may have been a simple testing error or perhaps the water sample was not from a good/mixed location. Hard to tell, but do your best to maintain that SLAM level. You appear to be very close. Hopefully tomorrow will be YOUR day. :)

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We passed the slam test. Yesterday afternoon FC was 9 and I brought it up to 12.5 with correct dose. Last night FC was 10 and it came up to 14 with correct dose of bleach. FC still at 14 this morning and CC 0.5. Where do I go now. I know my goals. Should my levels be kept at low end or toward middle? When is best time to test FC and pH daily and adjust. Do I need to shock according to CYA after heavy swim or rain? Can we start swimming or does FC need to drop in range? Thanks for your help. Pool looks great.
No FC loss, no more than .5 CC and clear water .......

Now you can let the FC slowly fall to the normal daily range. For a CYA of 30, the daily FC range is 4-6, never below 2. As summer approaches, you will probably need to increase CYA to help protect the FC from the intense sun. When you do that, always look at the Chlorine/CYA Chart and increase your FC accordingly to match the new CYA.

For now, once your FC falls below 10, re-check and adjust all the other levels as required. The links are below in my signature.
Should my levels be kept at low end or toward middle?
The trick is to never let it go below the minimum. Whatever that means for your pool. I would start by adding enough chlorine to get to the higher target number and tracking how much FC is used every day.

When is best time to test FC and pH daily and adjust.
Whatever works best for you. The pump needs to run for 20-30 minutes before you test and for a little bit after you add.

Do I need to shock according to CYA after heavy swim or rain?
No, it is a popular misconception that rain has a big influence on pool chemistry. If you have lots of sweaty, sunscreen covered people in your pool you might want to bring it a little higher after they leave. A full on SLAM is not needed.

You can swim anytime you are at or below SLAM levels, it's clear to the bottom and ph is in the 7s.

Nice job. How about a picture?!
Did complete testing this afternoon. FC 5. Down from 14 this morning. CC 0.5. pH 7.5. TA 90. CYA 20. Down from 30 three days ago. CH 425. Wondering if that is too much FC drop and what caused CYA drop. Pool calculator says 61oz bleach to bring FC up to 7 ( high end of recommendation) and 32 oz stabilizer. Should I go ahead and add these? Thanks
Hello! :wave: Yes, I would increase CYA at least to 30. Perhaps just calculate enough for a 10 ppm increase. Definitely keep the FC at the high end of the range for now as that FC drop was pretty significant. I wonder if there's any chance there was a testing error? It's odd to lose 9 ppm of FC in one day - certainly enough for most pools to warrant a SLAM. So we don't want you to go down that road so soon again. But with little CYA, it could explain the quick drop.

So do that CYA increase and keep the FC at the high end of your daily range. If you get the stabilizer in there tonight or tomorrow, test it again Friday to see where you're at. Once the CYA has increased, watch your FC consumption. If you still see a big drop, you might do an overnight (OCLT) just to ensure the water is still clear, and if it is, increase CYA even more. In the summer, I keep mine at 50 or even higher with our TX sun.
IMG_20170518_193425371.jpgIMG_20170518_193401952.jpgToday added Stabilizer. Will recheck CYA tomorrow. Added liquid chlorine and now FC is 12.5 tonight. Will do overnight (OCLT) and recheck FC and CC in AM. Hopefully the numbers from yesterday and this AM have corrected and I will be finished with slam. Pool is very clear. Thanks for your help.

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