First TF-100 Test and I'm in trouble, CYA through the roof


Jul 23, 2017
Old bridge, NJ
After 3 years of blaming my neighbor's tree for my cloudy/green/crappy pool, I finally got the test kit I've read about for the past year. Why I didn't do this sooner I have no idea. Turns out, my Cya level is about 100, maybe a little more! Jeesh! The kids use the pool a decent amount and my family uses lots of water (power washing, watering, etc). I hate that I have to drain my pool. I'm thinking I'll just gradually lower the cya over the summer by vacuuming to waste and I'll keep pumping in the bottles of bleach. When I go to Walmart, I believe they think I'm a serial killer with all the bleach I'm buying. Thankfully my pool is not that big, only about 8,600 gallons, but this really sucks. Does my plan sound reasonable? Right now the pool is mostly clear and I have the FC at about 30+ after I dumped 7 bottles of bleach in yesterday. LOL I told you this is bad...
Welcome to the forum! :handshake:

I suggest you do Step 8 in Pool School - CYA to see how high above 100 your CYA might be.

You can try vac to waste and drain before rain to lower your CYA. Depending on how high above 100 your CYA is will help you decide if that is viable.
When cya gets around 100 it is hard to know the true value. You should dilute and retest as per the cya extended test procedure for cya over 90. It's probably higher than 100!

Also don't just dump fc into the pool. That can be very ineffective and expensive. Follow the FC/CYA chart.
Ultimately you'll be a lot happier and things will be a lot easier if you lower the CYA level by water replacement. Pool water works on lawns. I've also been known to drain a thousand gallons or so *(Lowering CH buildup in my case) via the sewer cleanout by my kitchen sink. There's no doubt the pipe was clear by the time that was through!
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