First Test Results - Opinions???

Apr 29, 2015
Wheatfield, IN
Just opened the pool yesterday - water results are pretty good I think, trying to figure out next step


FC- 12 ppm
CC - 0 ppm
Calcium - 225 ppm
TA- 120
CYA - 30 to 40
PH - 7.5
Salt - 2800

My plan is to add 4 lbs of CYA - then re test and add if necessary

What should I do about the TA?

Should I just let the FC drift down to 5ppm or so on its own?

Water temp is 58 degrees F - so still pretty cold

TA can be largely ignored. It will lower as you keep the pH in range.

Just let the FC fall.

You will also need to add more salt.

You likely will need to maintain the FC with bleach a bit until the water warms up enough for the SWG.
First thing I would do is ..... CANNONBALL! :swim: Then yes, get the sock soaking for more stabilizer. For the TA, just watch things for now. If the pH seems like it's climbing too fast over 7.8, then go ahead and begin lowering the TA - try 100, then 90, and so on. Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity

Overall though, you're doing well. :goodjob:
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