Fighting with Chlorine causing water to turn yellow/orange ** LONG POST **

May 9, 2016
Hello all,

With my first post here to TFP, I will say that I am a new pool owner in New Hampshire. Recently moved into a house with an AG pool that was mostly full from last year. I have been learning the pool owner game through different online resources as well as some initial information and products from my pool store, but ran into this forum a couple weeks ago and have decided to get all of my information here as I feel that it is a valuable resource and the information so far seems very good.

In joining the community, I have also ordered the recommended test kit (TF100) and received it today. Prior to receiving this in the mail, I had done several things to get my pool a nice clear blue and have gone through a few cycles of non-blue to blue by now. Those cycles have been mostly caused by the addition of chlorine turning my water to a yellow/orange color (all signs both from reading here point to iron in the water source). The latest cycle ended a few days ago when I was able to get my yellow water filtered out for the most-part and the pool turned clear blue. I took this opportunity to do some vacuuming, brushing and leaf raking in the pool to make sure that the next steps i took were unimpeded by a dirty pool.

Upon receiving the test kit, I tested the chemical levels in the pool:

FC - 0
CC - 0
TA - 180 (I realize this is high. I was using a pool store test strip prior to getting the TF100 and according to that test strip I am sitting around 100 here which is where I planned to be and adjusted accordingly)
CYA - 0
PH - 7.8

After taking these tests, I added 2 bottles of liquid chlorine (SHOCK-IT from pool store as I had a supply of this already), almost immediately, as somewhat expected, I noticed the water once again turning yellow. I have seen many posts about yellow water, but not many seem to be the same exact problem. All of those seem to suggest sequestrant. I am interested in finding out a sequestrant to use in order to try to get this to stop happening as I believe what will happen all summer will be everytime I add a significant amount of chlorine, the pool will turn yellow again, and I will have to wait a day or two before it will get back to blue and a day or two after that, it will be out of chlorine as it seems has happened.

So, what should i be looking for in sequestrant? Is this what the solution should be or is there something else that could be the issue here?

Thanks in advance for your help!
I am not so good at metals but it sure sounds like you have some iron in there..

1. CYA, go to walmart and get HTC stabilizer cyanuric acid, using poolmath above add 0 in now and 30 in target, it will tell you to add 5 pounds :) (do it yourself to see what it does)

2. test your Fc and post back what it is now..

3. stop by lowes, HD, or your pool store and get muriatic Acid (MA) and use that to drop your PH to 7.2, this will help bring your PH down and also your TA..

Ok, now someone with more metal knowledge will be along to help some more...

Great job on getting an awesome test kit :)
Paper towels or pillow stuffing in the skimmer. Right now. Then dump in the bleach and let the pump run. You want the stuff to precipitate out and get caught in the towel so you can toss it. While that's going on, you can go buy some acid to fix the pH and some stabilizer to fix the CYA and some metal sequestrant.

But for now, high pH and high FC will help get that stuff out of the water.

A Tale of Two Filters... and Ugly, Rusty Water.


Updated: I knew I had seen a more recent example of the paper towels. First ever Pool Test...and not the last! - Page 3
Thank you Richard320 for the iron tips. I am keeping the chlorine level and PH level high and getting it out with paper towels so that I don't just have to continue buying sequestrant all summer. I figure when I replenish water after backwashing, i may have to do more of this since my supply has iron in it.
After a few days of paper towels, the chlorine was no longer turning the water yellow. On 5/15 I added 4 lbs of HTH stabilizer (CYA), but it was added by just pouring into pool. With the cooler water temp right now, this did not dissolve very well. So I vacuumed it up on 5/17 hoping that it would dissolve better with water running constantly over it. I waited a day and tested the CYA and it was <20 so on 5/18 i added ~2 lbs this time in a leg of pantyhose in the skimmer. On 5/19 I tested again and it was up to < 30. I then added ~2 more lbs of HTH stabilizer and today (5/20) tested again. The test results are as follows:

CYA - 40-50
TA - 150
FC - 0
CC - 0
PH - ~7.3

My plan now that the CYA is at a good level is to add chlorine to get to a stable level. I am planning to add in liquid chlorine form at 12.5%. Is there any reason that I should not add chlorine in this way to get to a stable level?

Any other things that should be done prior to this step?

Thanks ahead of time!
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