Feeling very overwhelmed

The day after the pool was filled, we had to drain off about an inch b/c every time we moved in the pool, the water was splashing out the pump. After looking back at the pool instructions, we figured out the pool guy that filled it had over filled it. Then we got really bad storms 2 days in a row. Almost 4 inches total. We had a cover on and I was able to get a lot of water off the top with a bucket, there was still quite a bit that went into the pool. So again, we drained off about an inch.

The pool is in direct sun for most of the day and the temps have been in the 90's. But we will have to take the pool down for the winter, the manual says not to leave it out.

I will try the 6 way kit at Walmart for now. Between pool, grading and water, our funds are a tad low lol.
Does it freeze much there? I happen to think putting a pool up every year is a PITA. Some kid always goes out in the spring and digs holes in the pool base sand area...

We didn't break ours down last year, it is fine but there's not a lot of snow or ice/freezing temps either. It does get down to 20'ish for about a week or two every year and we get maybe one snowfall that counts. Neither seemed to be an issue for the pool.

We winterized according to pool school here, cleaned all the leaves out, bleached it up and covered it. It would have been fine if the cover hadn't dropped in this spring, I had to shock it and re-cover early this February after a week of no clouds. Funny, the cover fell in around Christmas and nary a growth of green till that sun came out. Next winter however, I'm not draining it down to below the outlets, we'll plug them instead. The cover just collected rain water because it drooped into the pool lower than the edges. If we put a floaty with a beach ball in the center, it needs to tent instead of drop into the pool so the rain can run off.

OH, btw... I either didn't read or perhaps even ignored the manual that may have said don't leave it out all winter. It's Intex brand.
This past winter, we got a lot of snow. But we will have to take it up anyways. When we had it graded, I guess it wasn't graded over far enough and there was a little slope that directed the rain water from earlier this week right up against the pool. We had a very small amount of sand put on top of the graded area and it washed some of the sand out from under one corner of the pool. That area is no longer level :-(. So we will have to start over next year and make sure we have it more leveled around the pool. For now, we are going to dig a small trench around that side of the pool and put gravel in it, and hope the water won't go back under the pool or we could be in trouble.
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