Fed up with pool stores and ready for a change


Oct 16, 2021
Dallas, TX
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-60 Plus
Greetings from Dallas, TX!

I will have lived with my pool for three years in April. It’s a 26000 gallon vinyl Grecian with two ladders. I grew up with a pool and my dad and I did the maintenance ourselves - I handled the backwashing, brushing, vacuuming, etc and he did the chemicals.

Therefore, I am here to find the least expensive and least time-consuming way to maintain the chemical levels in my pool. The pool at my parents house is plaster and they use cal-hypo so naturally I used it because I didn’t know of other options. Sometime during year 2 of owning my own pool, I learned that cal-hypo is a big no-no in vinyl pools so it was recommended by the pool store to switch to dichlor - they didn’t tell me it was stabilized so I was using trichlor tablets and dichlor shock for about 15 months - leading to extremely high CYA.

I’m over the constant drives back and forth to the pool store to get tests done and I’ve been working on lowering CYA thru water replacement to get everything back into shape.

Looking forward to learning lots from this community!
Hey Zany and Welcome !!!
I grew up with a pool and my dad and I did the maintenance ourselves - I handled the backwashing, brushing, vacuuming, etc and he did the chemicals.
Not much has changed in ‘the industry’ since then. Imagine ‘looking us up’ like it was back then. You would have had to go to the library and gone all Dewey Decimal system to get any info at all……. And be limited by what that library had on the shelf. To think the pool store is still doing it like that !! Yeah. But it’s a cash cow for them to send you on a chemistry roller coaster, so why would they ever change ?

We evolved with the times using science and close to 300k real world members experiences to fine tune all the details for you, your pool specs and location.

Begin your journey here ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry. It’s easiest of you wipe your mind and start fresh with a new outlook. The ‘old dog/ new tricks’ thing hinders alot of folks in the process.
We will gladly help fill in any blanks
Welcome to TFP! :wave:


hi fellow Texan.
Suggest you update your Signature (under settings) with all your pool info such as volume, type, list of equipment, etc.

Also, you will need a recommended test kit - Test Kits Compared
And if you have not seen this - please get familiar with FC/CYA Levels

You will find lots of help on this forum.