FC high, TA high


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Jun 22, 2014
Houston, Texas
Good morning.

So I posted a couple weeks ago about my ongoing, continuing, won't go away high TA problem. We have literally gone through 2 containers of acid, if not 3, this pool season. AND there is algae on our pool lights but our FC has been constant all year. I checked the pH on Wed of last week and it was 7.5. Yesterday off the charts.

Yesterday's FC was 9. Last week it was 6. We have had clouds and and only yesterday did it rain hard enough we drained some water out.
The TA was 110!
pH was bright pink over 7.8
CH was 425
CYA was 70.

I just truly don't understand when I am doing the TFP thing and the water is clear but my pool is eating acid and unexplained algae. I have all the pool logs. for the whole year on my app.

ANything that can be offered besides the city water being sporadically added (we haven't added any in quite a while)...
TA of 110 is not unusually high and PH of 7.8 is okay. They are not the source of your algae problem. Going through 2 or 3 gallons of acid in a pool season is not excessive. I think you were using tablets and when you used tablets you didn't need to add acid. The reason is the tablets contains acid, as well as CL and CYA. Now you separately need to add acid to keep your PH down.

The root cause of your algae problem is your CYA of 70 which makes it hard to maintain adequate FC without a SWG. Best is if you can drain 50% of your pool and lower your FC to around 40. You need to do the SLAM Process process and raise your FC to shock values as shown on [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. A CYA of 70 requires you to MAINTAIN FC of 28 or above during the SLAM Process. If you had a CYA of 40 then you could do the SLAM Process with a FC of 14.

Deal with your high CYA and algae problem first. Get those under control. Then you can work on lowering your TA as described in Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity
What are using to lower pH? And how often/regularly are you adding acid?

august 12, Aug 19, Aug 23, Aug 28 - Sept 10 it was 130! that's just August

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What are using to lower pH? And how often/regularly are you adding acid?

Alan, respectfully, I think you have me confused with someone else.

I am adding 29% MA
The root cause of your algae problem is your CYA of 70 which makes it hard to maintain adequate FC without a SWG. Best is if you can drain 50% of your pool and lower your FC to around 40.

Deal with your high CYA and algae problem first.[/url]
I do not 100% agree with this.

The higher CYA should not make it harder to maintain adequate chlorine. While the required FC is higher, the daily ppm loss should be less than if the CYA was lower.

I would not bother with water replacement at this point just to lower the CYA. I would just follow the SLAM Process process as it is now.

The algae could be due to the FC dropping to near the minimum of 5ppm at some point and perhaps the circulation is not doing a good job?
Have you been brushing? ;)
Could the "SW" in the OP's signature mean they have an SWG and that's the reason they are maintaining a CYA of 70?
Yes, I have a saltwater pool.

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this problem is exist this year May?
I used 4 jug acid while stabilizing TA. But you should have seen at last little reduction
if you can try with different PH and TA reagent.

I just replaced all my chems bc someone else made that suggestion. I buy them through this site
When your pool was replastered with WetEdge, did the installer acid wash the plaster after it was installed
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