Equipment options for new pool - Internet connected

Oct 1, 2012
Hope I can get some good advice on a well working internet connected equipment for my new pool. we are having the Hamilton model (fiberfglass) 12,000 gal pool installed in our vacation home.

I would like hear any advice on Hayward products that are wifi enabled and app controlled (hayward because thats what my builder uses/supports)

Salt Chlorinator, Heater, variable speed pump.

Any advice is much appreciated,

I have Hayward Omnilogic with VS pump, SWCG, and heater. I am going to add Hayward pH probe and CO2 gas dispensing automation as well shortly. Even though Hayward app isn't the nicest (quirky menus and slightly delayed responses), I can manage everything from my iPhone X just fine. Automation was a must for me since I travel for work a lot.
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