Early Prep Work

Jul 6, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
Hi, I've been lurking for a while and the recent closings of the pool companies in my area have prompted me to get more involved in the testing and such of the pool. So with that in mind, I have a K2006 on its way to me and will be here in a week or so.

That being said, I took off the cover, pulled the pump and such out of storage and hooked everything up. As the pool was filling up, I downloaded Pool Math, subscribed for the logging and pulled out the new bottle of test strips (a new brand called Runbo off of Amazon) that I had picked up. I also got some AquaChek strips with some of the chemicals that I had ordered. Here's where my questions start.

Just as a background (I think this shows up in my profile, but I'll put it here anyways), my gear is as follows - 15' diameter AGP, Hayward SWG, cartridge filer and Hayward heater (bypassed to start the season).

After filling the pool and letting the pump swirl things around a bit, I did a test strip and saw that the TA was about 100, pH was really low at 6.2, FC was minimal (0.1 and probably from the water I added), CC was also 0.5, CYA was 15, I can't read the salt content yet and the water was 48*. Today was slightly changed, TA was still around 100, pH was closer to 6.6 and the rest of the figures were about the same. Then I pulled out the AquaChek strip and tried it and the pH was off the chart, probably 8.0 or 8.2, I re-checked with an older hth strip from last year, and it was showing a similar high pH reading.

I checked the reviews for the strips on Amazon (should have done this before I guess...) and there were several that mentioned that the pH and TA were reading low. The TA seems to match up with the other strips, as do the other values.

I plan to get cleaning tomorrow (throwing the automated cleaner in the pool and letting it run around). The water is clear and the circulation has moved all the debris to the middle of the pool, so I should be able to get most things cleaned up.

I am waiting for the email telling me I can go pick up the order for my liquid chlorine (I can't turn on the SWG as it is too cold) and my salt as the place I get that from is only doing curb orders.

So with all of that, I am wondering what my next steps are...

I had thought to get TA cleaned up first (and I think it's close, just a bit high) and then get pH settled, brush, vacuum and then clean the filter and things out. After that, add the liquid chlorine and see where things are.

Should I be waiting for the K2006 so I can get a reliable reading for the various readings, or should I start lowering the pH in order to bring down the TA a bit to get the process started (based on the fact that two of three strips have a high pH and the TA is around 100)? Also, I was wondering about the TA value. According to Pool School, my SWG-equipped pool should have a TA between 50 and 90 (ideally between 60 and 80); however, all of the test strips are saying that the TA should be between 80 and 120, and looking at the recommendations from previous water testing, they say TA (with stabilizer correction) should be between 80 and 110 which are both higher than the TFP recommendation.

Does any of this make sense? I was hoping to get things ready to fire up the heater in the next week or so; however, I am doubting now...
Do y'all have Walmarts or such up there? See if any of your stores has the "baby" test kits. We need to make sure on the pH before you do anything! NO guessing as you could ruin your liner doing the wrong thing. For right now just get a cheap pH test until your good test kit gets there!

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Finally got things checked, and my juggling with the various test strips worked out OK. pH was pretty good, sitting at 7.5. TA is a little high at 88; however, CYA is low as is FC (mostly because it's too cold for the SWG to be turned on). I put things into Pool Math and I added some liquid chlorine to help out until the SWG can get turned on.

Should I lower the pH to get TA lower, or do those numbers look OK until I gat the CYA back on target?
The kit I picked up was a basic kit (Aquarius from Canadian Tire) with the Phenol Red and OTO for Chlorine. The pH seems to be pretty stable (floating around 7.5/7.6 according to the best I can read that chart on the test bottle referencing the color. I have the heater on now (set to 65), so the SWG is on and FC seems stable around 1/1.5. CYA is still low (I think I am going to start adding some according to the numbers from Pool Math).

It's going to rain pretty solidly the next couple of days so I'm not going to worry too much until the weekend when it will be nicer.

Does that all make sense?
I would not touch anything just yet. The pH seems happy so lets leave it and the TA alone for now.

I would not add any CYA until you get the good test kit in to test it. The only way to remove CYA is by draining water so......let it ride also.

When you get the "grown up" test kit please show the tests like this:

It is easier to just glance at them like this. THANKS!
I’ve received my test kit and as an ex-chemistry guy from high school and college, I am really happy. I’ve been calling it my chemistry set! My daughter who is headed for a science degree says I’m working on a lab, lol.

Back to reality ?

Here are the numbers...

FC - 3.25
CC - 0.5
pH - 8.0
TA - 70
CH - 250
CYA - effectively 0 as the water was perfect clear after adding in the reagent
Salt - 3000
Temp - 75*

I turned down the SWG just a bit, I did do the test first thing in the morning, so the sun may clear some of that off. I put the numbers into Pool Math and it’s recommending to drop the pH and up the CYA which I will do.

I think everything else is ok, is it not?

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I've been reading that, and that was part of my first post, trying to decipher what all of the numbers were doing.

If I look at the recommended levels for each with a SWG vinyl pool, vs my actuals:

FC - minimum of 3 with a target of 5 with CYA at 70 (mine is above the minimum at 3.25)✅
CC - Shouldn't be above 0.5 ( mine is right at this level at 0.5)✅
pH - 7.2 to 8.0 with 7.6-7.8 ideal (mine is at the high end at 8.0)✅
TA - 50 to 90 with 60-80 ideal (mine is right in the middle of the ideal range at 70)✅
CH - 0 to 650 with 50-550 ideal (mine is in the ideal range at 250)✅
CYA - 60 to 90 with 70 to 80 being ideal (mine is at 0 :eek:)?

So It's just CYA then to get it to 70. My pH keeps creeping up over time (a few days ago with the poor kit it was reading 7.5) so I will just watch that one. Time for stabilizer in the skimmer!

Final answer :D
? You just earned a GOLD STAR!!! Well done and spot on!!!

One thing I would look at is keeping the FC a bit closer to the upper end just to be on the safe side as it is easier to do that then take the chance with getting algae!

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