DuraChoice pressure gauge - questions


Bronze Supporter
Aug 9, 2007
Chesapeake, VA
I bit the bullet and bought the DuraChoice pressure gauge from TFTest kits.
I am mostly pleased.
HOWEVER, the gauge seems to creep downward toward zero. I have good flow in the skimmers, pump filter basket, and returns.
NOP (normal operating pressure) is 10-15psi. NOP goes to 20ish psi with the solar panels running.
Seems like every day the gauge starts moving toward zero and I have to "burp" the gauge. By that I mean, pull the little plug "to ensure accuracy" like the sticker says, and TRY to not squirt glycerin everywhere!
Is this normal?
DuraChoice website did not provide much help.
Has anyone else experienced this phenomena?
How did ya'll overcome the issue?

@duraleigh Thanks for the response.
The creeping down occurs with the pump running. The gauge shows zero with the pump off.
This has been going on since day one.
I purchased the gauge with in the past month and placed in service shortly there after.

Not that this should matter - I replaced the sand in the filter and the entire Hayward 7-way valve (not just the key) last week. The gauge was mis-behaving before the filter work.
For perspective, the pressures were comparable with the el cheapo pressure gauge.
I plan to reach out to TFTest kits to see if they have any ideas.

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