Don’t know what I’m doing!


May 21, 2024
oldtown, ID
Hi all - just found this forum and I’m reading more than I did in college! I’m new to this but really want a beautiful sparkly blue pool. Determined to get there.

I have a 10x20 oval above ground pool so somewhere around 4,500 gallons. I have it set up with a proper pump and sand filter. Just got it cleaned up after winter here in north Idaho and got it from super nasty green to a sort of cloudy clear weird minty green. I don’t think there’s any metal in the water since we have a whole home filter system.

I may have added too much chlorine because the reading tonight was some 380ppm. pH is 7.2. Not sure how to get the other readings that I’m sure someone is going to ask me for!

I’d love any and all direction anyone wants to give me!
Welcome to the forum!
How are you testing your pool water chemistry? Do you want to treat this as a permanent pool or a temporary pool that you drain every time it has any water chemistry problems?
I suggest you read through Pool Care Basics - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Well, it’s all plumbed in fairly permanently and I had the area excavated and a retaining wall and deck built around it so ideally more like a permanent pool. I could drain it, but it would be better not to if possible.

I have a digital reader to test for chlorine and pH.
You need a proper test kit. I suggest the TF-100/Pro or Taylor K2006C. A proper test kit is needed to get the accurate water chemistry results needed to follow the TFP protocols.
Once you get your kit run a full set of pool water chemistry tests and post up the results.