Does increasing ph change Ta?

My ph is at 7.2 and I want to raise it to 7.5 by adding borax. It says that increasing your ph will change your TA, does it increase or decrease TA? My TA is at 80 right now. If I raise my PH from 7.2 to 7.5 what will happen to my TA because if it gets lowered too much to say below 70, I would've have to then lower my ph in order to raise the TA? Any help on this would be great and I hope I'm not confusing you guys lol. Thank you
Why do you want to increase to 7.5? Just let it naturally rise to there.

To answer your question in pool math there is effects of adding chemicals and it will tell you how much ta it will add. The best option is to areate the water as that raises the pH.
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