Dark stains (not algae) after chlorine was


Jun 21, 2008
Recently my salt cell quit working because of too much scale build up. I was traveling when this happened and when I returned, 4 days later, the pool was neon green with algae. I immediately shocked it and ran it for 24 hours. I got the salt cell cleaned up and everything seemed good but it was too late... black algae all over the pool floor. I shocked and brushed for a week and nothing worked. The company that did the pebble sheen suggested I drain it and give it a straight chlorine bath. I followed their recommendations and drained, chlorine washed, and refilled in 2 days and the algae was gone. However, when I filled it back up I was left with stains everywhere similar to the photo. My pool builder and the finish contractor pretend like they dont know me and I dont know how to fix my staining issues. The water is balanced and back in good shape and the pool is working fine but the stains still exits. I am unable to load the photos (some error code). The staining looks like different shades of the pebble sheen's blue finish. The staining is darker blue than the other areas and appears to be coming from the infloor heads. I can email photos to anyone who may be able to help.
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That sounds like organic staining. Try placing a trichlor tablet on the stains for 30 seconds and see what happens. If the trichlor cleans up a spot, then several days at shock level and some brushing should clear them all up.
If the trichlor doesn't work, try crushing up some vitamin C tablets, put them in a sock and rub on the stains, if it gets rid of them it is a metal stain. We can tell you how to get rid of them.
The finish is 2 years old... same age as the pool. The pool also seems a little bit lighter than it used to be. The finish contractor did suggest that since I did the chlorine rinse on a sunny day the stains may be the actual pool finish and everything else simply has dried chlorine on it. This semi makes sense since the deep end and anywhere where there are low spots or near the in-floor heads is the darker color. Wouldn't dried chlorine simply get wet and be combined with the water when I was refilling though?

Still cannot post pics!
It is time to post a full set of water test results.

The lighter color might be calcium scaling, particularly since you are having calcium problems with the SWG. But that is just guessing. We will be able to tell you more if you post a full set of water test results.
Water specs (tested from today)
Free chlorine 5ppm
Total chlorine 5ppm
salt 3100ppm
Calcium hardness 275ppm
CYA 40ppm
Total alkalinity 130ppm
pH 7.4
Phosphates 0

Talked the the pebble sheen guys that installed the finish. They suggested I spot check an area of the steps where the finish appears lighter than normal. They felt it would lift the light shading and renew the color of the pool. It made it lighter... almost white.
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