CYA zero and not rising.


May 5, 2014

I'm having trouble with CYA at a zero level after the winter. I've added 5# and still see little or no change. I first added 3# and could detect an increase in cloudiness in the test tube. Then I added 2# more and tested 3 weeks later and it's clear again. I can't find a record of measuring CYA since 2015 at which point it was 30ppm.

Last December the FC was at around 11ppm. At that point I turned the pumps off. This pool is covered almost all of the time, so I placed a cover pump on it for the winter. The pool remained undisturbed until the beginning of April. At that point the water was clear, the FC was 2-3ppm, pH=8.2. I turned on the system, added 3l of acid and by the beginning of May the FC was at 5.5ppm, CC=0, pH- 7.5-7.7, CH=475, TA=100, CYA = 0 (totally clear). Due to the heavy rains in Northern Cal this winter I had some dilution. The salt concentration went from 3700 to 3400ppm. When the pool was opened for the first few times this spring it had a slightly fishy smell.

I've never had a problem with cloudiness in my pool. I typically shoot for a FC of 3-4ppm, on the assumption I had a CYA of 30ppm.

Any idea why my CYA will not shift? The latest measurement of CYA=0 was with FC=9ppm, pH=7.6, temp around 79F.


Curious. How are you testing the water? How old are the reagents you are using?

Take care.
If your pool holds FC, your salt did not drop appreciably over winter, then at least some of your CYA should be there. I would be careful how much you add.

Also - at 3 years - I would suggest getting a refill of your reagents. Especially if they were stored in a garage or outside shed. I store mine indoors - but our garage is nearly the temperature of the surface of the sun in summer!!

Take care.
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