Crazy Cloudy Pool!!!


New member
May 17, 2024
Hi everyone, this is my first post so I would take a little time to introduce myself. My name is Conan, from Tucson AZ. My pool is:
-8500 gallon salt water
- Brand new Pentair IC40 chlorine generator
-Pentair star rite system 3 cartridge filter.
- Pentair Intelliflo VSF variable speed
I only bought this house for 2 years with the pool. After I got back from a 3 month business trip, my pool was thick green. Following from other posts here, I slammed the pool. The water is blue now but it is super cloudy, to the point I can not even see the first step of the stair. Here is my water parameter:
Free Chlorine: 0.61
Total Chlorine: 2.64
pH: 7.2
Total Alkalinity: 105
Calcium Hardness: 417
Cyanuric Acid: 32
Iron: 0.1
Copper: 0.2
Phosphates: 857
Salt: 4692
So the pool store suggested me to:
1. Partial drain the pool, fill with fresh water to adjust salt level to 3600
2. Add 5oz leslie's stain and scale prevent, wait 30 mins
3. Add 2lbs 10oz Chlor Brite, wait 4 hours
4. Add 6oz Clear aid, clean out filter, repeat until the water is cleared.
5. Add 62oz of Instant Pool Water Conditioner, wait 2 hours
6. Clean filter, add 39oz of NoPhos to remove phosphate.
The money is just keep adding up every time I go to Leslie. I clean the filter cartridge every 2 days and there is a lot of white gunks. Please let me know what I should do next to bring my pool back to the crystal clear water. Thank you.
Welcome to TFP!!!

How are you testing your water? Do you have a test kit? If not, order that first. Link-->Test Kits Compared

I would add 5ppm of liquid chlorine to your pool until the test kit arrives. Do not add any more pool store will make it worse!!!!

When you get your test kit, follow the SLAM process to clear your pool. Link-->SLAM Process

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