Could it be "Chlorine Lock" ???(I know you do not like this term.)


May 21, 2016
Saltillo, MS
I know y'all are so tired of me posting but I cannot get a grip on this pool this summer.

Current Levels -just tested:
FC = I get two different readings on either side of pool! = 2.5 and 4
pH = 70
TA = 90
CYA = >100 I mean way off!!

This is the first time in weeks I have even gotten a FC reading. But the CYA has been off the charts all summer. For years the pool has received shock, tablets, and baking soda as the only real chemicals to treat water. I took over this job this year. Have done AA treatment twice and water is good for a while but never stays. I just think I should drain and add new water to treat CYA. Maybe this would help the iron also. Can't figure iron stain out. Yes we have iron in our water, but we certainly have not added water this season due to all the rain. Just had new sand put in filter last week also. Any comments? Thank you.
Are you testing the water yourself? If so, do a diluted CYA test to get an actual ballpark value.

Chlorine lock is a deceptive term that very incorrectly describes what's going on and TFP prefers not to use it not because it is "not liked" but because it is just simply wrong. Anyone who understands chlorine-cyanuric acid buffering chemistry knows that the chlorine is not "locked" in any way. It is simply over-buffered and the active chlorine levels are too low to act as a effective sanitizer.

Once you have a handle on your CYA levels then TFP can better advise you on what to do. Being over 100ppm will likely mean you need a water exchange but how much that actually is will depend on your measurements.

CYA does not affect the FC test in anyway. Your low FC levels are likely happening because algae and organics are consuming the FC as fast as you add it. A clear pool is not a sign of a clean pool and algae is always possible even if it's not growing in thick green mats on your pool walls.
Re: Could it be "Chlorine Lock" ???(I know you do not like this term.)

Taylor K2006

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Yes I test myself with Taylor K-2006 kit.

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According to Pool Math calculator I should replace 67% of the water.
Finally at home for a couple of weeks and can now work on pool.
It is full of mustard algae at this point.
Test Results: just taken-
FC - 0
pH - 7.2
AK - 90
CYA - 200 - I did the test with half tap water and half pool water.

So, now am ready to drain some of water. I assume I drain and correct the CYA before addressing this algae??
You have a vinyl liner pool so you can't drain down more than about 12-18" left in the shallow end or ease you risk shifting your liner. You might investigate if the tarp method would work for you...

You need at least a 75% water exchange.
There are a few threads about. Basically, you get a BIG tarp, lay it evenly over the water, pump from under it while filling on top. Once you have removed/added enough to lower the CYA, you slide the tarp out.

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