Constant Algae that won't die

May 31, 2016
Toms River, NJ
Hi all,
I've been SLAMming pretty much since we opened the pool at the end of May here in NJ. We had about a week after I passed the SLAM tests, kept the FC within the range, etc. Then we got a few super hot days here and the algae came back. My FC had dropped too low one day while at work and I've had algae every since (about 2 weeks now) that we can't get rid of.

This is our third summer with the pool and the sand filter had been replaced about 4 years prior to us moving in. I know we've never cleaned the sand filter, not sure about previous owners. My husband said when he vaccuumed yesterday, it looked like green water just coming back in. So it sounds like the filter needs a deep clean, which we will have time to do this weekend. I found a good thread in the filter portion of the forum that we will follow.

Could this be why we can't shake the algae? Adding a bottle of chlorine daily is getting expensive, and brushing and vaccuuming every day is also getting annoying. The water is clear (can see the bolts on the return in the deep end - clear), just algae spots on the bottom every day when we get home from work.

My CYA is at 30, I get my FC up to 12 in the morning and it falls to 9/10 throughout the day, so I add more when I get home, and repeat the next day. So it's not dipping super low during the day while we are at work. When we opened the pool the algae was dead within a day or two, and just had to clear the water. This time, the algae won't die and appears to just resettle daily.
Follow SLAM Process process. Algae is not a filtration problem, it is a chemistry problem.

You should try to test and dose with LC more often. At least first thing in morning, after getting home from work, after dinner, before bed. On days someone is home every 3 hours or so if possible.

When was the last time you checked your CYA level?
Interesting, OK. Thank you for the clarification. I sent my husband the thread to clean the filter, and he wasn't thrilled to do it this weekend. It's something we need to do, but it's not immediately required to help our problem!

LC is added at 6:30am and 4:30pm. I've rechecked after dinner on many days and it doesn't need more.

I havent checked my CYA level since I added after we opened. I'll recheck today to make sure it's still at 30.

Read another thread about pollen problems. We are surrounded by trees. I'll do an overnight test to make sure it's actually algae!
Good idea to inspect that sand filter if you have never had it open. Another poster was having issues and found the previous owners only had 1/2 the proper sand level in the filter. Not trying to cause alarm on that but knowing exactly what you have is a big part of trouble shooting.

Could also post a picture of the spots you are seeing. Do the spots come back in the same places? Could vac to a hairnet, could be whatever is settling is too small to be caught by the sand filter.

What are your test results?

Depending on your set up several places Algae can hide from good circulation, light niche, ladders etc.

A lot of good people here that will be glad to help out.
My CYA is at 30, I get my FC up to 12 in the morning and it falls to 9/10 throughout the day, so I add more when I get home, and repeat the next day.

I think something is wrong with these numbers. If the pool is exposed to the sun I'd expect you'd lose more than 2 or 3 ppm during the day with only 30ppm CYA.
Sorry I haven’t updated! It’s algae. I slammed hard and I passed the overnight test last night, even brushed with no algae coming up!

then the sun hit the pool, my husband brushed an hour later and said there were algae spots. My FC was at 10 at that point because I was letting it come down.

im so frustrated! Now I’m having a bunch of people here to swim and it’s just going to get worse. I’m at a loss
A successful SLAM Process has three criteria. Passing the OCLT is one of them. Read the article for the other two.

Go back to SLAM levels. And go swimming. No issues. Test FC and dose back to SLAM level after you are done being in the pool.

Take care.
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