Concrete pool up north

LOL Mats,

I use Miller or Bud to fertilize the hedges, but I wouldn't drink that. :shock: I don't recall ever having a Toohey's -- but I'll keep my eye out for it.

Two-buck Chuck is a relatively decent wine from a regional store called Trader Joe's. We don't have one in Florida but my in-laws up in New England swear by the stuff :) When I drink when I prefer the lighter reds, so I stop at chianti before moving to rosé. And I'm confident that I can discern between red and white... white gives me a headache :)

Thanks for the invite! While I don't forsee ever traveling to Sweden :viking: , if I do make it I'll be sure to knock on your door.
Optoman said:
I use Miller or Bud to fertilize the hedges, but I wouldn't drink that. :shock:
Amen brother! That is, if you don't mind offending the hedges... :p

I can't contribute much to a conversation on pool building, but beer is another story altogether! In this regard a picture is worth a thousand words:[attachment=1:jozkbpf9]405px-franziskaner_weisse_16_9_ozglass2.jpg[/attachment:jozkbpf9]Also, here is my original avatar here at TFP before I changed it to the current one:[attachment=0:jozkbpf9]newcastle-beer.jpg[/attachment:jozkbpf9]

But for my money, the best way to enjoy premium beer is from the tap. Find a sweet little pub with 100 or so offerings, sit down and quaff the fresh!


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I know this is Coffee Bar fodder, but that picture does speak a thousand words! Franziskaner is the one of best Hefeweissen I've tasted, even if I can only get the stuff when I go to San Francisco (Tommy's Joint, Van Ness Avenue, if anyone's interested. The corned beef and cabbage served on Saturday nights will make you think you're in Pennsylvania.)
Wow, did this thread sure go off track! You sure can tell that it's winter time and we can't be enjoying our pools LOL! Just goes to show you, Mats, that you've become a fan-favorite around here! You could probably start your own fan club. (Or maybe you already have... :lol: ) I dont have a Volkswagon, hehe, but I do have a Dec birthday, so I can relate! Actually, mine is the 21st and my DH is Christmas eve, so we both can! I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I'll take a little Jack and Coke anytime! :cheers:
Haha! I have a VW, I'm a December baby and I've had a good bit of Budweiser this evening too! :mrgreen:

Ohhhh... I'm makin deer jerky too! YUM!
Henry Porter said:
Would be a pleasure showing tfp members around.

I'm curious, how's the motorcycle riding in Sweden in the summer???

Since coming back into this forum after several years of absence it's taken me weeks to read through your entire pool build thread. I just want to let you know that YOU ARE THE MAN :goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:
Your mechanical aptitude and attention to detail inspire me. I can assure you that it's been many many years since I've told someone this.

I'd like to touch on something I've noticed over the course of your thread, it's when you talk about "This little pool project"

At 50 and with a lifetime career of building pools I promise you this;
Every pool is a good pool regardless of the type of pool, above ground -vs- inground or the type of shell, concrete -vs- fiberglass -vs- walls with a vinyl liner. We, the owners, share an equal responsibility in maintaining proper water chemistry for our swimmers and for the type of the pools building materials we enjoy. And regarding size, once you've held your breath and went underwater, your 100 percent wet. You won't get any wetter or have any more fun in a Olympic size swimming pool. All you get is more elbow room!!!
If price was no object, of all the types of pool construction, I'd take steel reinforced concrete walls/floor with a ceramic tile pool finish as my first choice every time.

I'm so excited for you and your family for the new pool and outdoor entertaining area.
Years from now while reminiscing, the memories of these moments of you and your wife working on building the pool will be held dear to the heart for a lifetime.

Congratulations :cheers:

See ya,
I figure it's a very simple test to separate the really good beers from the rest - Don't drink beer you can see through; as you can't tell how many horses got to drink it first... :mrgreen:

Mostly I prefer my home brewed meads, made from the honey out of my beehives, :whoot: or a good Single-malt Scotch (I highly recommend Scapa - a little known, and very under-rated brew, reasonably priced for a Single, and compares well to much higher priced brands), but if I feel like a beer I'll do a nice light stout, something like a Guinness...

huskyrider said:
Henry Porter said:
Would be a pleasure showing tfp members around.

I'm curious, how's the motorcycle riding in Sweden in the summer???

Since coming back into this forum after several years of absence it's taken me weeks to read through your entire pool build thread. I just want to let you know that YOU ARE THE MAN :goodjob:
Your mechanical aptitude and attention to detail inspire me. I can assure you that it's been many many years since I've told someone this.

I'd like to touch on something I've noticed over the course of your thread, it's when you talk about "This little pool project"

At 50 and with a lifetime career of building pools I promise you this;
Every pool is a good pool regardless of the type of pool, above ground -vs- inground or the type of shell, concrete -vs- fiberglass -vs- walls with a vinyl liner. We, the owners, share an equal responsibility in maintaining proper water chemistry for our swimmers and for the type of the pools building materials we enjoy. And regarding size, once you've held your breath and went underwater, your 100 percent wet. You won't get any wetter or have any more fun in a Olympic size swimming pool. All you get is more elbow room!!!
If price was no object, of all the types of pool construction, I'd take steel reinforced concrete walls/floor with a ceramic tile pool finish as my first choice every time.

I'm so excited for you and your family for the new pool and outdoor entertaining area.
Years from now while reminiscing, the memories of these moments of you and your wife working on building the pool will be held dear to the heart for a lifetime.


See ya,

What a post Kelly!
I have never seen you and I don't know what you look like but can tell after reading what you wrote that you're the type of guy I love to hang around with. I can tell most of the time just by looking at someones post if that is a person that match my own personality! I'm very much fond of people that can offer a nice word or two and express feelings like you did.
I'm not the "speak as little as possible and hopefully be understand as more intelligent" type of person, we have all figured that don't we :cool:
I'm not putting that down by any means, we are all different! But Im more into people that can start a post every now and then with the word Hi.
So it's refreshing to read what you just wrote Kelly. I'm in a little hurry so I wasn't supposed turn on the computer according to someone who's in the restroom at the moment. she says hallo btw So I'll try to make it short.....

We going to a friends house for new years eve, not very far from here and shall mingle with four other familys, sort of a tradition. They are very nice and good friends of ours but they are a little laid back for my taste on a new years eve :party: you will remember what Dylan sang in the 60's dont you! "I was so much older then I'm much younger than that now...... Thats who I like to see myself, I'm probably living in a fantasy world :hammer: especiallay on days like these.

To answer your questions Kelly! We have very good roads here in this country. I guess that sweden in general is seen almost as an communist country due to the high tax rate we have over here. It's a grain of truth in that I suppose but many things here are also good due to just those high taxes. And roads are one example of that. I'm not saying that they are any better than they are in the US but they are worth riding a motocycle on in the summers :cheers: So bring your bike and I will stand put at the outdoor kitchen with some "tenderloin steaks" (Borrowed that word from Brent it sounded so good :goodjob:) and some ice cold buds served right from the bottle.
If I shall go in on the beer subject just shortly I must say.... Don't underestimate a good light beer served ice cold not in any glas but right from the bottle. I'm all in for more tastier brands( I love stouts Gooserider and the one you mentioned is my favourite) but I think it is so refreshing on a garden party don't have think about whether or not it's poured in the right type of glas or if the temperaure is accurate..... just grab one bottle from a bucket full of ice, drink it, have a good laugh and then another one. That's how I like my parties! Easy going all the way baby. And Polyvue today I'm a lil bit tipsy :wave:

I have to step into the shower make a few pushups and then finish my glas of wine so I have some time to think over what I shall wear. Rio rime T-shirt and jeans crossed my mind, I wonder what the better half says about that :cool:

The plan is to come back stronger than ever next year and finish our pool once and for all so we can close this thread :-D
There are so many nice people on this board that it's almost mental. So happy new year to each and everyone of you from the(at the moment) lil tipsy member Mats alias Henry porter and remember that "the only thing we knew about Henry Porter is that his name wasn't Henry Porter"
Cheers everyone!!!

Thanks for the kind words.

Sweden has always enjoyed a portion of my heart. I raced Husqvarna motorcycles for quite a long time. It was at a time that we were being spanked by Japanese Mfg's and their riders with their rapidly advancing technology and the "Win on Sunday-Sell on Monday" mindset. At this time the end of a 20 year domination of off road racing was coming to an end,
Since the late 70's I'd always wanted to come visit Sweden and tour the factory.
But they were bought out in 87 by Cagiva, the factory was closed, and manufacturing moved to Italy. The brand has since rebounded and the rich history still carries on, though mostly in Europe.
In my stable of bikes I still maintain 3 Husky's, I still LOVE them but seldomly ride them.
I would sincerely hope that the Swedish people are as proud of Husqvarna's position in motorcycling's history as we Americans are of Harley Davidson's position.

Every year I take a trip abroad to ride bikes somewhere else in the world. I'm still putting together a European ride for this summer. It looks like it'll be a trip to Heidelberg, Germany to ride in the company of American soldiers stationed there who road ride and race CrotchRockets and then tour some incredible roads in the Black Forest of Oldenwald & Schwartzwald area, and the Swiss Alps in and around Andermatt, Switzerland. Hopefully, if it's timed right, we'll also get to enjoy some practice day track riding at the Hockenheim and Nurburgring race tracks too!!!

I'd love to one day soon enjoy a ride in Sweden.

I really look forward to more picture's of your current project """Concrete pool up north""" :cheers:

See ya,

I agree with Kelly 100%! The work you are putting into your build and the detail amazes me. There is no way our pool build could compare to yours in anyway. I was blown away when I first opened your thread and had to keep reading.

No matter what bells and whistles we put or don't put in our pools it's all the same in the summer when we are swimming and watching our families enjoy.

Happy New Year to you and your family!

I have one favorite Rose wine that I discovered from a wine tasting trip in Solvang Cali. I'm a Pino girl and prefer the reds.. or Grey Goose mixed with almost anything ;o)

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Henry Porter said:
...The plan is to come back stronger than ever next year and finish our pool once and for all so we can close this thread :-D ...

The thought of my favorite thread ending this year makes me sad. Don't get me wrong; I'll be thrilled for your friends and family to finally enjoy the fruit of your labor, but I'll miss your progress reports. All good things come to an end, but you better find reasons to post in the coffee bar! I love your posts when you're a little tipsy, btw :clown:

Cheers, and Happy New Year. :cheers:
Thank you all.
Your comments makes my winter pale face turn pink :sun:

No mas !
I hope I can continue my build within a couple of weeks so the thread can continue to stay under the section "under construction" :-D

Jenny! I have a feeling that you are as beautyful as a summerday is long........ Guys! I can get away with such statesments since I'm from abroad :cool: I see myself a little bit as Manuel in fawlty towers when I'm in here :cheers:
And Jenny! I forgive you for telling me a white lie or two
"There is no way our pool build could compare to yours in anyway"
:wave: But please don't stop I enjoy reading them:)

Kelly I'm not a motorcycle man but from my point of view are not many people in my generation in Sweden even aware that Husqvarna have produced motocycles, if you're not into motorcross in which field they are still pretty big, I think.
My chainsaw is a Husqvarna btw, their saws are of very good quality if you're up for buying one :goodjob:

Great choice with Germany Kelly! That is often seen (or atleast of me, before I started to travel there) as a boring dull country, but it's absolutely not! While France is seen with different eyes. I must say that I like germany especially the middle and the southern parts.
Henry Porter said:
Kelly I'm not a motorcycle man but from my point of view are not many people in my generation in Sweden even aware that Husqvarna have produced motorcycles, if you're not into motorcross in which field they are still pretty big, I think.

It's OK, but your quote really makes me feel OLD, LOL!!!

No worries, I feel old all the time, especially when I look at my children and grandchildren!!!

I've raced (and crashed bikes) since 1972 when I was in 7th grade in Junior High School.
I now ride Jap bikes because they're the most competitive in all events (roadracing, motocross, enduro's, and cross county)
At my age, racing the youngster's is very fullfilling, without the slower and older or the older and slower riders in the back of the pack, the front half of the pack would not be possible.
I'll be completely honest with you and all the other members here, I'd rather dice for second to last place in the field than sit in the bleachers with the other spectators and watch another man take my position on the racetrack.

You can be assured that Husqvarna was a great manufacturer of off road competition motorcycles for a very long time before you or I came into the picture.

See ya,
Hi Mirage and Heckpools!
The reason for my absence in this thread is beacuse I haven't been out there working for a very long time now. So everything is exactly where I left it in the beginning of December. What we experience here this winter is something we haven't seen for many many years. We have had below freezing temperature 24-7 for three months straight :shock: and loads of snow. We expect another 10-20" this night if the forecast is right.
The roof that I made over the pool is doing it's job very well even if it's covered with snow. I have shoveld/brushed it off once this winter and I'm afraid I have to do it all over tomorrow if all that snow will fall tonight.

It will take atleast another month before I can start the project again but when I finally do I promise to continue to post pics at the same rate as before :)

Just to back up my previous post!


Even if I have tons of job to do out there I'm pretty settled with the situation and enjoying other things at the moment. So there is no abstinance symptom from my side by not have been able to fill up every free hour with work :-D Signed up for a gym membership and I really enjoy it so far. The goal is to get fit as a cucumber by the time the pool is ready for it's premiere bath :goodjob:

I could do a few things even if it is cold and snowy with the pool but I rather stay away from it compleatly and be 100% motivated when our spring flows over us, something I can't wait to happen. Besides from the weather life is treating us well up here. A good freind of mine is getting married tomorrow so the weekekend is filled with great pleassure and probably some headace sunday morning. And if this is not enough there might be a chance that Dylan will show up at Gothenburg in end of May! That means outdoor concert!!! something that took place back in 2001 last time. I keep my fingers crossed that it will official so I can invite my oldest daughter how have become a great Dylan fan over these three years she had played guitar. I'm so impressed by the progress she makes every week, and she almost excludingly plays Dylan songs. To hear her sing Chimees of freedom really makes me proud. It was first thought that she should play a song on the wedding for my mate(how also is a Bobcat:)) but it dind't worked out in the end.

What more of my private life can I hang out here on TFP :oops: I applied for a new job a while ago, not beacuse I'm dissatisfied with my current situation but more to see what attraction I would have on the market these days. I was surprised when the manager of the company called me up yesterday evening and seemed interested in me. That left me sleepless last night, I had more or less forgotten that I had sent him an application for the job and now I might have to consider to change company. But there is long way to go before I get the question if I really want's the job or not. I will meet them next week to discuss further. But on the other hand the best time to change job is when you are satisfied with the current situation. Not much interest for you but still! I'm talking to myself in a monolog right!! that's how I see it. When I don't have anything to say that are related to a poolforum, that I seldom has. I enjoy to write about whatever. To be honset I don't know a thing aboout pools, so sometimes I'm asking myself what the heck I'm spending so much time here on TFP . To learn things about pools of course, that is right! But mostly beacuse the atmosphere in here is so much different from other boards I participate in. So a big thanks to all the mods and posters that brings so much excitements to open up the computer every morning.
I have to end this little update in this log of mine. I promised Eva that I should clean the house before she comes home and I better start that work now to remain a good family feeling this weekend :mrgreen:

Take it easy everyone and don't foregett that Peter Forsberg is back from long injury and playing for the swedish hockey team in the Olympics. So don't take out the gold medal in advance Canadians :cool:


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Sign me up for the "Henry Porter/Mats Fan Club"!!! :cheers: Mats, you're very dear to all of us here...and we all SO look forward to your updates and posts. Good luck on the job decision. Don't finish that pool too soon...we'd MISS you and hearing about the pool and your life!! :wink: But we really really want to see you enjoy your hard work. So proud and impressed by your progress. You'll get back to working on it when the snow thaws...

Huskyrider (Kelly) is an awesome pool builder in my general area (just a *little* too far away to have built my pool..dang). :wave: If you get a chance to meet him, DO IT!! Big shout out to Kelly and his continued excellence in building and customer service. :goodjob: If you're in the Houston area and can get him to build your pool...go for it.
Hey Mats. I haven't posted to your thread in awhile but I have been following it behind the scenes :-D Hope you had a great time at the wedding. Good luck with the new job application.
Oh, and what was that you were saying about the Canadians :?: :?: :wink:
Go Team USA :!: :!: :party:
Thank you ladies :-D You're all inner-circle members in my club, if there is any :cool:

The wedding: It was just one of those evenings when you coulden't wish for a better time. The party was held at a golf club, actually the same club that arranged womens Solheim cup a few years back, if any of you where there. It was a magical evening when we came there after church. Totally calm night with big, big snowflakes falling from the sky. For a winter wedding you coulden't ask for better weather.
The seating arrangement was as good as the weather from my poinnt of view. The male infront of me happend to be the drummer in a local band . they have played forever! they started off as a punk band but now leaning more towards punkrock. The fun thing is that I heard them for the first time a few summmers back when we have been to see Per gessle(Roxette) swedish band "Gyllene tider" It was a great happening and we went just to have a good time and not for the music. After the concerte, that took place on a big arena, did we go into town and there was Terror pop just about to go up on stage in a local park. It was mind blowing! I was so overwhelmed by their performance so just a few days after did I went to another concerte of theirs. Me and my mate loved it while Eva and his wife didn't appreciate at all :hammer:
What I want to say is that it felt good to finally been able to tell him how good that concerte was. He happend to be a really nice person and we had a great dinner toghether with our dinner partners.
It was a long time since I was on the dancefloor from the dinners ended to the break of dawn.

I think the secret for a really good evening is to break the dress code :roll: I skippped the dark suit and went with jacket and trousers instead. I had bought a new suit for the occasion and probably changed back and forth five times until I finally decided. It drove my wife craazzyy :cool:

I was able to clear the roof over the pool from snow last friday. I was lucky that I went out and did it at last beacuse it was like 25" all over with snow and the conctruction started to bend downwards. I hope we doesen't get anymore snow here this season, it starts to get ridiculous with all this snow here at the moment. There haven't been as thick snow blanket on the ground for like 70 years or something like that. But I think when the temperature finally starts to rise it will go pretty quick to get rid of it even if it looks depressing at the moment.
It will be interesting to see how inspiring it is with building pool again when it's time to start again.

I have to end USA has started their game against Switzerland and after that 1:30 AM swedish time is it time for Canada-Russia that I will see. Took half day off tomorrow :goodjob:

The pic below is on me and Eva and the grooms best man's wife just before the church. AND remember that I look sooo much better in real life hahahahaha!!!!

Ohh Sweden is about to win the mens relay in skiing, have to end


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