Cloudy Water

Jun 14, 2018
Long story short...I've been working to clear up green water.
This morning it was BLUE! (finally!)but cloudy.

18 FC
1 CC
19 TC

CH 150
75 CYA
TA 110

Ph Was about 7.2 this morning. However, I added a couple inches of new water.
Currently in the middle of a thunderstorm, so I can't re-check...
Tried vacuuming, but really can't see the bottom. I did brush it pretty well this morning.
Also backwashed, which released a bunch of GREEN water.

Now what?

Thanks in advance!

Edit to add...SWG in signature has been returned. Just using chlorine now.
Welcome to the forum! :wave: Being new to us, are you familiar with our SLAM Process process? To do that, you'll need to increase your FC a bit more to 31 based on a current CYA of 80 as noted on the [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. Also, please add to your signature which test kit you are using (TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C?). It all starts with that proper testing. :wink: let us know fi you have any other questions.
Thank you. The FC was higher previously. The water was green yesterday but I added a LOT of shock late afternoon, and it is a beautiful blue now. This morning the FC was still 23.
(I did add shock...I didn't follow SLAM to a tee...I started with SLAM, but ended up going with shock because my local WalMart is out of liquid chlorine, and they don't have bleach without additives, other than some really, really weak stuff.) Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if the cloudiness will just clear as the water has more time to filter, or if I have to keep adding chlorine for a longer time. (My kids want to swim!)
I'm using the TF 100 kit.
Thank you. The FC was higher previously. The water was green yesterday but I added a LOT of shock late afternoon, and it is a beautiful blue now. This morning the FC was still 23.
(I did add shock...I didn't follow SLAM to a tee...I started with SLAM, but ended up going with shock because my local WalMart is out of liquid chlorine, and they don't have bleach without additives, other than some really, really weak stuff.) Anyway, I'm trying to figure out if the cloudiness will just clear as the water has more time to filter, or if I have to keep adding chlorine for a longer time. (My kids want to swim!)
I'm using the TF 100 kit.

You need to maintain the high chlorine levels to make sure that the algae gets totally killed off, or it might have the opportunity to catch hold again.

Your kids can swim when: pH is in the 7s, FC is below SLAM level for your CYA, and your pool is clear enough to see the bottom of the deep end.

Please note that using the “shock” is only further increasing your CYA and therefore chlorine level required to knock out this algae.
How did your CYA drop from 75(80) to 60 in a day??

If you drained some water to lower your CYA, then yes, maintain at least 24 ppm FC in your water until you pass the three criteria for a successful SLAM. First step is clear water.
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