Cloudy, slightly green pool


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2016
Bellmawr NJ
I have a saltwater pool and I feel like I'm getting nowhere. We had about 5 days of rain last week and I noticed the pool began to cloud up and have a slightly green tint to it. I tested everything. Fc 5 cya 50 ta 70 pH 8. So, with that, I figured it was time to shock. I've been adding bleach for the past 3 days, keeping it around 13. Yesterday, I added a gal of muriatic acid to get the pH down to about 6.8. This morning, it's still cloudy and slightly green. I've been back washing at least twice a day. I'm about to add some borax to bring the pH back up to a good level and another gal of bleach. Can I leave my swg on during this process? What else could I do?

FYI, my salt level is also about a bag low (2750). Should I add that also during this process?
The rain did not cause any problems for you.

What you can, and should do is review the SLAM article, begin the process of completing one and follow it to the letter until you pass all criteria for success. You really need a proper test kit for this, or at minimum, the FAS/DPD drop kit. Its accurate at high levels, and provides ample reagent to complete the process. Don't add much Borax at all, because you are very close to where you ought to be pH wise. It will also take less Bleach if you replace enough water to lower your Cya to the 30 PPM range. During a SLAM, the article will advise not to run the SWG to save wear and tear on it. Once you get to the OCLT stage, it's imperative that it be turned off.
Ok, the green is gone, but my water is still slightly cloudy and I can't determine why. Chlorine is still fairly high. Im about 50lbs light on salt, but I haven't had the swg on, so I'd think this wouldn't matter.

Fc 20
Ph 7.6
Cya 50
Ta 100
Salt 2750
That DE is going to catch a lot but is also going to require backwashing more frequently as it is working. I read where Sand filters down to micron of 20 or 30 where DE can filter down to micron 2.. so there is a TON of things still to be caught.

You can reduce your DE costs by letting the sand do the heavy lifting then adding DE when you can see the bottom.

I let my water go clear with just the sand filter, now that I am clear I will add DE(Fiber-Clear) and as they say "let it polish" the water.
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