Cloudy pool - dead algae?


New member
Jul 29, 2019
First post in the forum so please let me know if I am missing something.

A bit of background:
I am quite new to pool ownership and maintenance. We just bought the house last summer. I never grew up around pools so had no clue about proper maintenance needs. TFP has been very helpful in learning the basics.

Now to the actual problem at hand: I was out on vacation practically the whole month of December. The pool pump was running continuously but the chemicals were not balanced in my absence. Unsurprisingly, I came back to a deep green pool. I then drained half of the water and started SLAM on the remaining half with water clearing up after about a week. At that point, there was no green algae but the water was still cloudy, so much that I couldn't see the bottom at all, even with <3 feet of water.

I have since filled up the pool and have done a full suite of tests using the TF100 test kit with the following measurements (a couple of days ago):
pH: 7.5
FC: 4.5
CC: 0.5
Alkalinity: 140
Calcium hardness: 50 - 75 ppm
CYA: 55

I also washed the filter cartridge to ensure it was clean. The pump has been running 24x7 for several weeks now, albeit at a lower RPM, with periods of higher flow for a few hours every weekend.

Welcome! So we know you have a great test kit :goodjob:. But to properly do the SLAM Process means you need to increase that FC to the proper SLAM level. Based on a CYA of 60, your FC should be 24. See FC/CYA Levels. Maintain that FC of 24 until you pass all 3 SLAM criteria. I suspect theta's what is holding you back right now.
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