Cloudy/Milky Pool. Is My Filter Too Small?

Given your pool size and climate (short season) ... yes you are a little crazy. :mrgreen:

I would think that the 425 would have been plenty, cheaper, and cheaper replacement cartridges when the time comes.
Happy I'm just a "little" crazy :D

With my current 225 filter I had to clean the cartridges daily to clean up the algae so I thought I'll get the monster and once in 5 days will be enough if the green guest show up in the future...
Just to confirm. Could anything possibly go wrong with an over-sized cartridge filter?
With one that size, if you take care of it well your cartridges should last a while. And you won't have to clean it as often. Only you can decide if its worth the extra cost.
I believe for that size once a season cleaning should be considered taken care well, no?
And there is your flaw in thinking. Once you eliminate the algae following the SLAM Process process and then maintain the correct FC level for your CYA level ([FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]) you will never have algae again. Even with a 425 sqft filter, if you keep the right FC levels, you should only need to clean the filter once a year.

While cleaning up algae, often a good idea to remove the cartridge from the filter until you have all the algae dead, then filter it out.

The only downside of going big is the cost ... and hassle of cleaning the bigger / more cartridges when you need to.
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