Cleaning DE Grid


Jan 3, 2018
Chino hills, CA
I think it is time to clean out the grid completely. This is my first time doing this. I've back washed a few times this season. I've noticed my suction cleaner isn't getting the same pull as before. My pressure hasn't really increased so I'm going to pull it all apart.

I've seen solutions to soak the grids in overnight. Is that necessary or is hosing it out sufficient?
Unless you have seen some scale develop in the pool, hosing down the grids should be fine. I do a breakdown clean of my DE filter about twice a year and have never done anything beyond carefully hosing off the grids, but then I haven’t have any scaling. Maintaining proper water chemistry is key to everything.
Ok sounds good. I wasn't sure. One thing I read was that it breaks down the oil residue from sunblock and just build up from swimmers. I wasn't sure if that was real a concern. Do you think I should replace the pressure valve as it weird that flow would be reduced and the pressure is not showing pm the valve increases?

I never backwash my DE filters anymore.. I just break them down and clean them twice a year, just like I do my cartridge filter. On all three, I just hose them off and stick them back in.

If your gauge is the standard one that came with the filter, I would replace it with a new one. The OEM gauges go up to 60 psi. but I like the oil filled ones that only go up to 30 psi.

I suggest you look at the gauges at TF test kits... See this link.. Pressure Gauge Glycerin filled 2.5 Bottom Mount

Make sure you get the style for your filter..


Jim R.
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