Chlorine loss after rainstorm???

May 25, 2017
Southern NJ
Very strange goings on with my pool ...

Did my weekly testing on Saturday, everything looked good.
CYA - 60
CH - 300
TA - 80
FC - 4
PH - 7.5

I threw in some stabilizer to increase CYA (target of 70) and some calcium chloride to increase CH (target of 350). SWG has been working great -- haven't added any bleach since the spring. I backwashed the filter as well. All was well on Sunday.

Sunday night, we got a huge thunderstorm. 5-6" of rain. No groundwater ran into the pool (as far as I can tell) and pool did not overflow, but water did rise 3-4" to the bottom of the coping. I pumped about an inch out on Monday (not enough), but had to stop for soccer practice. Didn't get a chance to do anything on Tuesday.

Wednesday evening, I went down to pump more water out. Water was a little hazy -- not cloudy, but not entirely clear either. PH was 7.5, but FC was down to .5-1. Also, my filter pressure was high and my heater wasn't kicking on with pump on low speed due to low water flow.

I immediately added 4 gallons of bleach (all I had in the house), turned the filter pump on high, and set SWG to "super chlorination" mode. By the time I went to bed, FC was between 3 and 6 (didn't do the full test). I shut off the SWG and pump. I also pumped out enough water to get the pool back to the proper level.

This morning, water looks better, but still not completely clear. FC is still 3-6. Pressure is still up, SWG appears to be working fine (current stats: salt 3100, 24.93 V, 5.97 A). Running it all day today at 75% with pump on high.

My plan:

- Get more bleach and raise FC to SLAM levels, maintain until pool passes OCLT (using proper test, of course). Continue running filter pump on high. Should I switch SWG to SC (100%) as well?
- Add a bag of salt. I typically run between 3200-3400 -- looks like the downpour watered me down a bit.
- Clean filter grids this weekend. High filter pressure so soon after backwashing may be a side effect of the storm, but I may as well give the filter a thorough cleaning since I haven't yet sprayed off the grids this season.
- Clean SWG. Haven't done that this season either. Even though it appears to be working fine, might as well clean it while I have the pump off.
- Run full chemical test, add as needed.

Anything else I should be looking to do? Recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Anyone have something like this happen before? I find it hard to believe that the storm alone could have caused the chlorine loss, and am concerned it might be something else? Thanks, all (and sorry for the long post ...).
Update - after a quick SLAM, everything looks great again. I think it was a combination of things: skimmers weren't working due to high water level, filter was less efficient due to high pressure, deluge of water diluted my existing chlorine and salt, diluted salt level combined with low flow meant the SWG couldn't keep up, etc.

I'm still going to clean the filter and swg this weekend. Continue to monitor, of course. Will also add another bag of salt -- now showing 3275 after adding one bag, which makes me think it was lower than 3100 to start with.
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