Chemical Balance After SLAM


Jul 21, 2019
South Texas
We completed our SLAM and passed the OCLT this morning. Water is clear and CC was about 0.3.

The article on SLAMing says to let the FC drift back down but I was wondering if we should do anything with other chemical levels at this point. Should we use Pool Math and follow the guidance from the calculator to get things back to the right levels now, or wait til the FC falls into the target range for our pool before trying to balance everything?
Depends on what you are balancing.

If you enter your tests into Poolmath and save them, we can see your data as you are sharing them, but there is no data entered.
pH isn't reliable with FC above 10ppm. The other tests can be performed.

The online old version that you linked to doesn't save to the Pool Math logs.
Marty was referring to the Pool Math app that you downloaded. You set it up to share your logs. Are you subscribing to the Pool Math app? You can download and use it for free, but it won't save logs unless you have the subscription. If you do have the sub, then there should be a save button in the corner. If you click on your name below your avatar, there is a blue button for "PoolMath logs"
You will want to add a touch of CYA to get to 70 ppm. That will raise your TA a touch.

That is it. Set your SWCG to maintain your FC in target level based on 70 ppm CYA.

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So we shouldn't worry about the CH or Salt not being in the target range for now?
Your CSI is perfect, no need to adjust CH. What were you proposing to do with CH? Certainly not add more....
For the salt, if the SWG is happy, then no need to adjust the salt. If the green light is on, then no more salt needed.

Also, the SWCG has been off since we began the SLAM; we should leave it off until we get the FC level within range, correct?
You can leave it off for a couple of days, just don't forget to start it. Also, don't wait until FC is at minimum for your CYA. Start the SWG when the FC is 4-5ppm above FC. That will give you a chance to make some adjustments and not fall below min FC.
Your CSI is perfect, no need to adjust CH. What were you proposing to do with CH?
The range for calcium is 350 - 450; ours is 550, so I thought it needed to come down?

Shouldn't all the numbers be in the ideal ranges? Or is the CSI number more important than the individual ranges?

Also, don't wait until FC is at minimum for your CYA. Start the SWG when the FC is 4-5ppm above FC. That will give you a chance to make some adjustments and not fall below min FC.
Super helpful tip, thank you!
In many areas it is impossible to keep your CH level in the recommended range. So we use CSI to juggle pH, TA, CH, etc to keep your pool water from becoming an issue. Your CH of 550 is very manageable. Just use CSI. Keep it between -0.3 and 0 as you have a SWCG. That range will keep the SWCG from scaling and keep your pool surface in good shape.
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Thanks :) We added a pound of CYA and will monitor to get it to 70 ppm, as well as checking the FC level to determine when to turn the SWCG back on.

Appreciate the guidance; we've learned a lot through this process the help here.
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