CH 18, Phosphates at 1567. What to do?


Sep 30, 2019
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
The water is clean and clear in appearance and has no harsh chemical smell. I only suspected that something was up because my home kit was reading chlorine off the chart, figuring that my chemicals must be old I bought a new kit and realized that I needed to take my water in.

Here's what I got from Leslie's:
Free Chlorine 14.67
Total Chlorine 18
pH 7.4
Total Alkalinity 41
Calcium Hardness 439
Cyanuric Acid 109
Iron .1
Copper .1
Phosphates 1567

The pool store rep is suggesting that I drain half the water and start over. I would love to hear y'alls advice.
We typically do not have much faith in pool store testing as it is not very accurate and is usually to help sell you something. What test kit do you have?

Here is what I would do:
1. Stop going to pool stores
2. Read up in pool school (link on the left hand side of the page), start with the ABCs and also read up on test kits to see if yours gets you what you need. If needed, order a test kit.
3. Post up your results with your test kit, and we can help you with adjustments including any water you need to drain due to high CYA (everything else looks pretty good, if we believe the results)
4. Figure out a long term plan for chlorinating your pool. My guess is that you use pucks now, which add CYA and can be problematic long term.
We typically do not have much faith in pool store testing as it is not very accurate and is usually to help sell you something.
Couldn't agree more. In five years with this pool this marks the second time I have ever asked for their assistance. Usually their answers are more for comedy relief than anything else. With that said I was at least a little impressed that they didn't try to sell me something I wouldn't have bought on this trip.

What test kit do you have?
Poolmaster 5 way found here:

Here is what I would do:
1. Stop going to pool stores
2. Read up in pool school (link on the left hand side of the page), start with the ABCs and also read up on test kits to see if yours gets you what you need. If needed, order a test kit.
3. Post up your results with your test kit, and we can help you with adjustments including any water you need to drain due to high CYA (everything else looks pretty good, if we believe the results)
4. Figure out a long term plan for chlorinating your pool. My guess is that you use pucks now, which add CYA and can be problematic long term.

1. Done.
2. Okay, I'll read through the guide again.
3. Results that I've posted above are in line with my own tests on chlorine and pH, I don't have a phosphate test kit but I'll get one ordered.
4. Yes, I'm using a floater with chlorine pucks in it for maintenance chlorine levels. Not sure about how to go about creating a "long term plan" but hopefully I can find out.

*That kit doesn’t test cya - super important #
the tf100@ or Taylor k2006c has this
* your kit also only tests total chlorine up to 5ppm
*You need an fas/dpd test that tests fc & cc separately up to 50+ppm
The tf100 or Taylor k2006c also has this.
Like JJ said above you need a proper test kit to determine your actual cya & determine if a water exchange/replacement is necessary.
When your kit comes, if the cya tests 100 or higher you will need to do the diluted test. Instructions found here👇Step 8
BTW if your cya is actually that high (or possibly higher) your fc isn’t high & the reason it’s still clear.
We go by this chart FC/CYA Levels
As far as chlorination is concerned here’s the tfp recommendations 👇
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^^^^^^^ all of the above. Wait. I have to sneeze.......

excuse me. Ok now where was I. Oh yeah, Phosphates. Pay them no mind if you properly chlorinate your pool. If algae can’t survive you can have all the algae food in the world and there is none to eat it. I liken it to Petco. They have aisles and aisles of dog food and never once has that produced a dog. Keep the doors locked and the dogs out and the food will stay untouched.
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