Can't figure out stain


Jul 9, 2016
Manalapan, NJ
pool 1.jpgpool 2.jpg
It looks almost like there is sand in the pool. THe sad part is last season we drained the pool and had the pool acid & power washed. Refilled (well water) and got chemistry good except battled high PH all season for the first time. Salt cell pool also. Opened this year and found the staining...but it's NOT in the deep end. Only on the bench seat, sun deck and the shallow end. Water test said calcium hardness is 200, iron 0.1, copper is 0.1 too. Need help!
I do have a test kit.
Which test kit do you have? Please post a full set of results. For the staining specifically, you can try:
- Rubbing with a chlorine tab (organic/algae)
- Rubbing with a Vitamin C tablet (iron)
- Rubbing with dry acid in a thin sock (copper).

It looks more like calcium staining, perhaps with some organic material embedded, but some valid water test results might help confirm.
I'll preface this by saying that we place very little value or reliability on pool store testing. You may already know that. Having said that, the free chlorine level appears to be extremely low. Take a look at our FC/CYA Levels. Find your current CYA and the recommended FC range. Phosphates have very little to do with TFP pool care. As long as there is no algae, phosphates are irrelevant. Remember that TFP and pool store testing are not compatible - two different worlds of water management. A proper test kit really needs to be your next move if you can swing it. Makes a HUGE difference.
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Whenever someone other than the pool owner says the water is balanced, I get nervous. I look to see if they used a TF-100 or Taylor K-2006C kit. Then I look at those results. But since you said you tried the Vitamin C and chlorine tab test, it's starting to look more like calcium scale.
Any recommendations?
You might try an acid wash. This article outlines some thoughts.


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