Can you identify this algae?

In quick and simple terms, SLAM FC level is 40% of CYA - so with a CYA of 50 your SLAM level is 20 (19.8 to be exact). And mustard algae SLAM level is 60% of CYA - for CYA of 50 your mustard algae SLAM level is 30 (29.4 to be exact).

The CYA/Chlorine chart referenced above and the links on the Pool School - Mustard Algae page support those numbers.

Which pool calculator are you using?

The chlorine cya chart says the slam level for a cya of 50 is Fc 20. Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart

Here is a screen shot of how I got those numbers.....Screenshot_20170528-194742.jpg
Ok Catman. I know we all really want to help you out here. That screenshot indicates a different calculator than poolmath that we reccomend. The link is at the top of this web page. And here

But also......based on your responses it seems like you haven't started reading some of the suggested links. That is ok.....we are here to help. Have you checked out these links? I hate that you are having such a difficult time.

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain
Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart
Yup, Pool Calculator hasn't been updated in 4+ years. PoolMath - here on TFP, and the upcoming app - have updated numbers and calculations. I'd suggest you dump the Pool Calculator and use PoolMath exclusively - this will help us all be on the same page.
Ok Catman. I know we all really want to help you out here. That screenshot indicates a different calculator than poolmath that we reccomend. The link is at the top of this web page. And here

But also......based on your responses it seems like you haven't started reading some of the suggested links. That is ok.....we are here to help. Have you checked out these links? I hate that you are having such a difficult time.

Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry
Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain
Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart

I have and multiple times. Sorry if my responses haven't sounded accepting. I've been listening to what everyone has been saying! This gets process is new to me and I'm trying to read everything I can.

Yup, Pool Calculator hasn't been updated in 4+ years. PoolMath - here on TFP, and the upcoming app - have updated numbers and calculations. I'd suggest you dump the Pool Calculator and use PoolMath exclusively - this will help us all be on the same page.

And here lies the problem! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Sorry I was using the wrong calculator. I will bring it up to 20 tomorrow. I will see if I lose anything tonight. I have a clear and clean pool just want to get rid of this problem.
And here lies the problem! Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Sorry I was using the wrong calculator. I will bring it up to 20 tomorrow. I will see if I lose anything tonight. I have a clear and clean pool just want to get rid of this problem.

Nothing to be sorry for. I asked the question for clarification, as this has occurred before. Now, we're all on the same page.

Glad you have read those pages multiple times. It's a lot to take in and usually a totally new way of thinking. It does get easier. Just hang with us and continue testing/adding as necessary. Pretty soon your water will be sparkly clear - as in being able to read the date on a quarter dropped in the deep end while standing on the deck.


BTW - where is Brick?
Nothing to be sorry for. I asked the question for clarification, as this has occurred before. Now, we're all on the same page.

Glad you have read those pages multiple times. It's a lot to take in and usually a totally new way of thinking. It does get easier. Just hang with us and continue testing/adding as necessary. Pretty soon your water will be sparkly clear - as in being able to read the date on a quarter dropped in the deep end while standing on the deck.


Thanks. My pool water is crystal clear, I just get these spots forming. I want to get ahead of the curve. I just tested my pool at 815 and looks like I added too much chlorine. Good thing is I got lucky and brought it up to 24 with 0 Cc. I'll test around 5 am and see where it goes.

Hello all, I need some help with my update. Let me fill you in. So I started the slam and have been keeping track of all of my tests and additions. I ran out of reagent two days ago and had to essentially give it my best guess for a day and a half until the new reagent came. I pretty much added a quart to a half a gallon every two to three hours when I didn't have my test. Now that I have it back I've been able to monitor the slam from 1245 yesterday. My pool's CYA was 50. My pool is one year old and this is the cleanest and most clear it has ever been! There was wind in this photo but when the water is still, I can see the 8 foot deep end just like the 3 foot end.

1245: 17.5 - added a little over a quart - measured by eye - is this normal?
1410: 23.0
2045 12.5 (I had to work) - added 1 gallon and 2 cups - again by estimation and eye
2315 24.5 (my filter timed out at sometime and I turned it back on)
0545 (today) 17.5 ONCLT of 7ppm. 1 quart added
0830 23.5
1030 12.5 - a little over 1 gallon was added - bright sunny day (see photo, it was taken today)

There have been 0 to .05 cc's during the tests.

My questions:

When I started this SLAM my pool was already crystal clear but I had some of the previously posted marks on my liner. Those marks have since been gone but I have been noticing a whitish residue in some areas that are not dirt because they "poof" away when brushed. I have been brushing my pool every day but I feel like it does nothing because it is already clean with the exception of the whitish areas. I've been watching my pool like a hawk and the whitish spots are barely noticeable unless you really look for it. They are few and far between and not always present.

I am going on my 20th gallon of liquid chlorine which to me sounds like a lot considering the shape of the pool before starting this slam.

Every time the pool goes below shock level it that essential messing up the slam? Should I be pushing the numbers a little higher since I tend to test the pool every two to four hours?


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That white poofy stuff is dead algae. Yes, you still need to brush. Algae forms a biofilm and brushing removes the biofilm so that FC can kill it. The algae you are killing can be pretty small and hard to see, but your OCLT loss tells us that you still have some stuff to kill.

Essentially every time FC goes below SLAM the algae are not being killed. They won't be able to multiply quickly, so no fear. You can push the FC to 2 points above the SLAM, but going over can waste bleach and can bleach out your liner, so don't over do it.

Stay the course as you are getting really close to being finished, just a little more POP (pool owner patience). That sparkle and clarity is what a TFP pool should look like.... sparkling like diamonds!

- - - Updated - - -

PS Please check anywhere algae can hide.... like under those stairs! Stairs are know to harbor algae and give it a safe place to multiply. Hopefully someone with experience with those type of stairs will be along to offer some guidance on how to clean behind them.
Couple thoughts on this:
1. Until you pass an OCLT you have active FC eaters in your pool, so even if you test and were at min or target FC for your CYA - there are things dropping it 24/7/365 and you'll have places in the pool dip under the min all the time. That is why it is so essential for a true TFP pool to pass the OCLT and then never let anywhere in the pool dip under the min ever, and stay in target as much as possible. 12 FC might have just been the FC that keep all your water above min because you had nasties in the water.
2. CYA is +/- 15 I believe, so your CYA of 50 could technically be as high as 65. AFTER you pass the SLAM, you could consider/ask about keeping in the target range for 60 or 70, but still use the shock for actual CYA reading and stay below it for swimming purposes. Some pools need extra buffers, like woods/desert/landscaping/wildlife/runoff/rain/etc.

Either way, you really need to nail this SLAM and be sure your pass all three criteria before ending it. Seek out all possible hiding spots for algae and clean them thoroughly. To let algae have permanent residence in your pool is never trouble free.
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