Can someone help me set my Hayward Turbocell 940 Extended Life at the proper levels?


Gold Supporter
Apr 7, 2023
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Aqua Rite (T-15)
Hi everyone!

Trying to work on many issues in my pool one at a time.

I just finished a SLAM today and working on getting my water chemistry right and need to set my salt cell properly.

Here are my water parameters:
FCL - 22
CC - .5
pH- 8.2
CH - 425
TA - 180
CYA - 50
Salt - 3400

I already added dry acid to lower pH to 7.6 and adding stabilizer via sock method to get it up to 70. I'm also going to let my FCL start to drift down and want to maintain it at 7-9.

The thing I don't really know how to do is set my chlorinator properly. I have a Hayward Turbocell 940 Extended Life SWG running through an Omni panel. It is setup in the orientation in the attached picture. I also have a variable speed Hayward pump.

My goal is to be able to set the pump as low as possible and run it for as short a duration as possible but still keep everything in check.

What is the best way to do this with my current setup and a drifting lower FCL from 22?

Thanks for all of your help!



  • 20230618_065947.jpg
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With a FC of 22, your pH test is not valid. Do not adjust pH until FC is at 10 ppm or lower.
Never use dry acid with a SWCG. The sulfates build up in your water and destroy metals, especially the rare earth ones on your SWCG.
Use Effects of Adding in Poolmath for how much to run the SWCG in your pool volume to replace the FC lost. Once your FC reaches 10 ppm, I would start generating 3 ppm FC per day and test each day and adjust as necessary. After a few days it should balance out.
Ok. Thanks for this advice. Both the pool builder and pool supply shop told us to use the dry acid. Will stop immediately. Is liquid muriatic acid the way to go?

I don't understand the effects of adding comment. I noticed that section in pool math, but don't understand how to use that for SWG?
I don't understand the effects of adding comment. I noticed that section in pool math, but don't understand how to use that for SWG?
Take a look at how the page is set up...


Enter Pool Volume and select SWG in the Chemical Additions section.

Your SWG generates 1.47 lbs. (of chlorine gas) per day.

You can use the tool to calculate run time, percentage, and FC generated depending on what parameter you select.

Long story short; Run SWG 13 hours at 100% to add 3 ppm of FC per day.
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This screen must be in the app - I haven't made it there yet, but I will. Thanks so much for helping on this! Do you know how low I could run my variable speed Hayward pump with the 940 SWG? The cell is in this configuration in the pic - I think this is inverted.


  • 20230618_065947.jpg
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Do you know how low I could run my variable speed Hayward pump with the 940 SWG?
All plumbing systems are different. You'll have to test yours to find the lowest RPM that will activate (close) the flow switch. Start at 1,000 RPM and move up (or down) from there. Add 100 RPM to the lowest speed for any variance that may occur. If you have a heater, the required flow may be greater or lower than the SWG.
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