Can I use Unstabilized Chlorine tabs one week then Stabilized Chlorine tabs the next week ?


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Jul 23, 2020
I have an outdoor above ground pool. I have been using stabilized chlorine 3" tablets for several years now. This year the CYA level got too high. I had to drain 1/2 my pool. I switched to unstabilized chlorine tabs. My CYA levels are now at a proper level. I have been warned about the danger of these two types of tablets coming in contact with each other. My question is this: can I place unstabilized tablets in the skimmer then periodically use stabilized chlorine tablets ... so I can use up the supply I have and to maintain the CYA level ?
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Stabilized tablets should never be put in the skimmer. They are very acidic and can damage the skimmer and pump/equipment.
The calcium hypochlorite tablets can be put in the skimmer if you like. They tend to dissolve quickly.
Better is adding liquid chlorine/bleach every day.
I suggest you read ABC's of Pool Water Chemistry.
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I don't know the exact chemical composition of both products in question, and i'm not even a shade tree chemist... so I can't attest to how "safe" things are offically... but here's my take on it.

The sanitized tablets contain CYA (cynauric acid) known as stabilizer. The unsantitized tablets do not. The santization chemical is sodium hyopchlorite (the basically sole "ingredient" in house hold bleach).

So the real difference is, do my pucks / powder contain sodium or calcium hypochlorite alone OR do they also contain a form of "bleach" PLUS stablizer.

I wouldn't mix the powers together, and then add them to a bucket of water, and then add that to the pool directly.... but I wouldn't worry about using one product today, and another product next week.

I wouldn't put any product directly into the skimmer basket... I'd float em in a floater if I were to use that type of product.
The unsantitized tablets do not. The santization chemical is sodium hyopchlorite (the basically sole "ingredient" in house hold bleach).
No. Unstabilized tablets are calcium hypochlorite - not sodium hypochlorite. They leave behind calcium. Bleach leaves behind salt.
I wouldn't mix the powers together, and then add them to a bucket of water, and then add that to the pool directly
That is correct, mixing Trichlor - Stabilized chlorine - with any other chlorine type will explode.
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