Can I Close without mustard algae cure?


Gold Supporter
Jun 15, 2015
Pea-green pool last spring, cleared in <5 days with bleach, subsequent excellent year with BBB now that my CYA is in the normal range. Had trouble with mustard algae in early Sept, did SLAM and MA shock, then was out of town for 4 weeks, unable to get someone to add chlorine. We are in extreme drought in Atlanta area, water has dropped below skimmers so I can't run pump, and it's now time to close the pool. I'm reluctant to fill it to SLAM and balance, only to then drain below the returns. Water is clear, but there is yellowish (MA) coating on bottom and sides.

Temp 70
FC 0
ph 8
TA 110
CH 220
CYA 45

I use a permeable safety cover for winter, so water and organics will be able to get in. I do not usually add chemicals over the winter, although in past Pool Store that closes has added copper algaecide (which I won't do any longer). Can I close without SLAM and mustard algae cure, or am I asking for trouble?

Thanks for advice.
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