Calcium Levels for Liner Pool

I just did my Spring water testing and my calcium level was 175. Do I need to do anything with this since I have a liner pool?


The only time you need to worry about calcium in a vinyl pool is if the level is on the high end. When your CH is high it can cause scale or cloudy water.

It was once believed long ago that low CH levels could cause damage to the metal parts of your heater. This is false but the warrantee could be void depending on how badly the manufacture wants to find an out.

Personally, ignore CH and go swimming.
I fully agree that calcium is cheap, but so what, so is algaecide. Adding only what’s needed is one of the staples of TFPC and calcium in a vinyl pool simply isn’t needed. The idea that because CH is used as a filler in some liners the user must keep CH at an increased level has been floated around for years now. I can say from personal experience our liners last around 12-15 years while we maintain a CH level between 50-100ppm. There’s been multiple discussions on TFP in the past that have used words I don’t know that scientifically discussed why one doesn’t need to worry about CH and all have said the same for vinyl long as it’s not too high, go swimming.
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